Not sure if they have mattresses or if they’re being forced to rest on the cold, hard floors. Not sure if a mattress makes what happens in that place any better.
“Let’s hope they’re sleeping,” I offer in a feeble attempt to keep my disgust in check.
The guys are using mobile radar devices that they press against the exterior of the structure to detect heat signatures inside. There’s a screen attached to the device, allowing them to see the feed from the field.
Although I’m eager to see what’s inside the house, I’m also terrified. It’s never pretty when you bust up these types of places. The first locations these girls are taken to are typically the worst. Constant abuse to keep them quiet and break them. Repeated raping, gang bangs, and other acts to humiliate and debase them. The girls may be bound, drugged, and used again and again. Their captors withhold food, water, and sometimes light until they no longer feel human. They become sleep deprived. Any time they’re left alone for more than a few minutes, they collapse and hope for a death that never comes.
That’s what Lettie Holt is probably experiencing, along with all the other girls in that fucking place.
While pacing two steps in each direction in front of my desk, I scan monitor after monitor.
I’ve got the 911 incoming call feed on one screen, all the chest cams split between two other screens, and real-time satellite imagery on another. I’m hoping I’ll be able to spot any incoming trouble with enough time to get the guys out of there. I’d like to have more camera footage in the neighborhood, though, so I’m searching for doorbell cams that are saved to the cloud real time.
If Tomer had stayed behind, I could have focused more on that task. But he flipped the fuck out, leaving me busier than a one-legged cat in a sandbox. Especially with both teams still running independently. Now I’m not optimistic that I’ll find anything else to help in time.
On the extremely dullbrightside, if Violet is still in that house, then I should have some questions answered about his relationship with her when they see each other.
“So far, I count five females in the east bedroom, four in the living room. Total of nine vics. We’ve got three tangos in the living room. Is that all?” I ask after a few more seconds have passed without another update from the team.
No clue what Tomer’s radar scanner is picking up. I hate that he isn’t wearing a chest cam. Especially with his state of mind in question.
As Shep moves his radar device along the east exterior of the residence, nothing else stands out to me other than the five girls in that one room on his end. “Nothing here, but I’m hitting some interior walls that the radar is struggling to get through.”
I refer to the schematic of the house, hoping they haven’t done any room modifications since plans were filed with the county. “There is another interior bedroom or large closet, from what I can tell. Off the east hallway.”
If it’s only three tangos, this should be a piece of cake. Even if alpha team doesn’t get there in time. I could green light them for infil. Hell, Shep can take out three guys on his own.
But we have more walls to scan before deciding.
“According to the schematic, there’s a kitchen that you should be able to scan via the rear of the property. Could be more hostiles in there. Who can check?”
“I’m working my way there,” Shep announces. “Scanning for cameras before I jump the fence.”
Like he did in the front and side of the house, Shep uses his RF detector to scan for radio frequencies that would indicate the house is under surveillance. “No signals detected. I’m advancing to the rear.”
Heh. That’s what he said.
“Copy, Shep. Alpha team is four minutes out.”
“I’m not waiting four more minutes,” Tomer snaps.
I grind my teeth, then grit out, “Hold for infil. Charlie Mike recon efforts only. We have no reason to rush this. No alarms or cause for panic. Hold steady. Backup is coming.”
Ignoring me, Tomer comes on the line with an update. “Shades are drawn. The window has a strange lock on the outside that needs a key, but I think I can pick it open and get inside.”
“Hold for the other team, Tomer. We have time.”
“Yeah, but we don’t know how long until the tangos come into this room for a girl or two, and my patience is officially spent. I’m not losing our fucking entry point. We have the tactical advantage but might not if we wait.”
“Tomer, if you get me shot, Kri’s going to kick your ass,” Shep teases, but there’s a genuine warning in his tone.
One person emotionally compromised on a mission can fuck with the entire team.
“Aaron, anything on your end?” I call for an update.