Page 68 of Start Me Up

Lori smiled. “Do you remember last year when you wouldn’t tell me anything about your job except that it was secret? You even asked for my advice about breaking it to Ben and youstillwouldn’t give me a hint.”

Molly’s eyes stayed on Juan as he carried the brimming glass over and gingerly set it down on the bar. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she muttered.

“I’m talking about secrets. Naughty, sexy secrets.”

Molly’s gaze swung back to Lori and locked on. “Drink your drink already, woman. I need details.”

Grinning, Lori idly picked up her martini glass and sipped at it.

Molly’s eye twitched. “I should’ve known something was up when I saw Miles’s latest column.”

“What did it say?”

“Oh, it was just another dig about you being seen in dress. Miles wants to know why you’ve taken a sudden interest in fashion.”

Lori cocked her head. “I wondered why Miles showed up on my caller ID. Must be a slow news month.”

Molly growled.

“Okay.” Lori finally relented. “I can’t give you any details, but I can tell you I’ve been seeing someone.”

“‘Seeing’ someone? As in having someone over for tea or as in making the beast with two backs?”

“Your imagery is less than pretty, but I have, in fact, been getting down and very, very dirty.”

“I knew it! My God, you look like your joints have been lubricated. Whoever he is, he’s good. So who is he?”

Lori took another apple-tinted sip. “I’m not at liberty to say.”

“Oh, yes you are.”

“Am not.”

Molly glared. “Don’t be childish. Just tell me who’s puttin’ it to you.” Her glare narrowed as Lori happily sipped from her drink. Then her friend’s face sprang from suspicion to utter shock in the space of a millisecond. “Ohmigod. Oh, myGod,it’s Quinn, isn’t it?”

Crap. “What? No. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“It is!” She jabbed a finger at Lori’s chest bone. “It’s Quinn. You’re doing my brother!”

Well, at least she was screeching in a sort of whispery shout that probably didn’t reach farther than the first few tables. “Shut up already! You’re going to get Quinn’s name in theTribune. And it’s not him,” she added halfheartedly.

“You’re the worst liar in the world. And I can’t even believe you’re dating my brother and you didn’t tell me. Worst liarandworst friend.”

Lori sighed and finished off her drink. “I couldn’t tell you. It’s weird.”

“Weird because he’s my brother or weird because he likes to dress in latex or something?”

She rolled her eyes. “Because he’s your brother.”

“Hmm.” She pursed her lips. “Yes, I knew this could be a problem. Damn it. Okay, so no details, just tell me what led up to this shameful, disgusting state of affairs.”

Juan whistled his way over with the next round of drinks, dark brown eyes twinkling.

“What’s he so cheerful about?” Molly whispered when he moved away.

“Helen gave him some of the good stuff.”

“I thought they’d broken up.”