Page 65 of Start Me Up

The phone rang.

Lori cursed and curled up tighter.

It trilled again and she realized it was her cell phone ringing from her purse, well within reach. Grudgingly, she reached out and scrounged for the beeping menace. “Yeah?”

“Hey, Lori Love,” Quinn’s voice purred.

She closed her eyes and wished she were pressed up against him, breathing his skin. “Hey.”

“How’s it going? Are you in your truck?”

“Yes.” Weariness made it easier to lie than explain the truth. She’d feel bad about it some other time.

“I’m calling to check up on you. I hope you don’t mind the obnoxious behavior.”

“Are you kidding? I’ve never had a stalker before.”

“Great! You’re really racking up the new experiences. But seriously, I’m not just calling to track your movements with the GPS locator I secretly installed on your phone—”


“I’m calling to finagle another date before I go out of town.”

She smiled and pulled the blanket higher, cocooning herself in warmth. “Byfinagle, do you mean offer to do me again? Because I’ll take it.”

“Yes, you will,” he growled, thrusting her body into immediate arousal. God, he was turning into a wicked, dirty boy and she loved it.

She wondered if she was about to have phone sex with him during her pretend shift in the truck, but Quinn cleared his throat to a more reasonable tone. “But I actually meant something less exciting, unfortunately. I’ve got a business thing on Sunday, a cocktail party that—”

“Oh, God, no,” she groaned.

“Come on, it can’t all be trips to Europe and public sex.”

“Sure it can. This is a sordid affair, remember?”

“Please? An hour, that’s all. Maybe two.”

“Sorry. Nope. I wouldn’t have anything to talk to those people about, and I have nothing to wear.”

“Wear that blue dress. I didn’t get to touch you in it.”

Lord, he knew how to make her smile. He must have sensed her weakness because he pressed his case.

“I want you with me, and I have to go. This developer is one of my big clients and we’re right in the middle of—”

Lori sat up. “Wait. Who?”

“One of my clients—”

“You said a developer. Which one?”

“Er…Anton/Bliss. Why?”

Anton/Bliss. “Okay,” she said with an abruptness that startled him into silence. A few seconds passed. “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Ah, so it’s name dropping that impresses you. Well, if you’re really good I’ll introduce you to James Dubbin, the head of Aspen’s planning commission. Pretty impressive friends, huh?”

“You’re a dork.”