Page 56 of Start Me Up

She could either run away or she could laugh, so Lori laughed. Running away wouldn’t get her any hot corsair action. And this wasn’t her real life. If it were, she wouldn’t be slow dancing with a handsome man in a Spanish café.

So once she’d gathered up her courage—again—Lori lifted her head from his chest, leaned into his neck and licked him. Quinn growled just like a pirate.

“Estás cortejando peligro, mujer.”

Oh, yeah. Whatever he’d said, it sounded wonderful. She bit gently at the tendon in his neck, rubbing her tongue against his skin, reveling in the faint rasp of his stubble.

“Eres una bruja. Bastante.”He broke the embrace and pulled her off the dance floor.“Vámanos.”

The bill was waiting, thank God. Apparently it had been clear to the waiter that the dessert they wanted wasn’t on the menu. Quinn slapped a stack of bills on the table, and they were already turning toward escape when a female voice stopped Lori in her tracks.

“Quinn Jennings, is that you?”

Quinn’s face froze in a look of such shocked frustration it would have been comical if Lori’s heart wasn’t sinking. She could see the woman approaching over Quinn’s shoulder, and she was gorgeous. Of course.

He turned and saw the woman, too. Lori caught the edge of a smile as he spotted her.

“Yasmine,” he said.

Yasmine?Unbelievable. Almost as unbelievable as how impossibly attractive she was. Mahogany skin, straight black hair accented with streaks of dark brown that picked up the color of her eyes even in the dim light. And she was thin. And tall. Taller than Quinn in her stiletto-heeled boots.

Her little scrap of a shirt fluttered around her as she drew closer to Quinn and kissed him on the cheek. The dark jeans looked painted on; the woman couldn’t have worn underwear with them if she’d tried. Lori fought the urge to growl and bare her teeth.

“Quinn, I haven’t seen you in ages!”

“It’s been a long time,” he responded, while Lori glared at his back.

“Too long. We should go out for a drink sometime,” the woman purred.

He laughed. “I think your new husband might object to that.” Finally, he turned and reached for Lori’s hand. “Yasmine, this is Lori Love. Lori, this is Yasmine Harrington.”

“A pleasure,” Yasmine cooed, her eyes flicking down Lori’s body in a quick trip.

“Nice to meet you,” Lori made herself say.

The woman’s skin actually threw off a silky sheen when she raised her hand to touch Quinn’s elbow. “I can see I’m interrupting a business dinner, so I’ll leave you two alone.”

“No—” Quinn started, but Yasmine was already waving her fingers and calling “Ciao!” before he could say more. Really, what was the point anyway? The clarification would be worse than the mistake.Strangely enough, she’s actually my date.

“Sorry about that,” he muttered.

Lori’s jaw was beginning to ache, so apparently she’d been clenching her teeth. She unlocked her jaw. “No problem. Look, I was about to forget my purse anyway.” She snatched it off the floor and folded her arms. “Ready to go? I’ve got to get home.”

“Home? Why? What’s wrong?”


“Nothing? A minute ago we were about to tear each other’s clothes off, and now you’re fuming.”

“Can we just leave?”

He looked down to her crossed arms. “No, we cannot. Why are you so pissed?”

After glancing around to be sure no one was watching, Lori stepped closer to their table for privacy. “What do you think is wrong? You used to date that woman, right?”

He eyed her warily. “Yes. A couple of years ago.”

“Damn it,” she hissed. “You told me that Barbie dolls weren’t your type!”