Page 51 of Start Me Up

“Oh, hi, Jane.”

Quinn’s assistant looked up from her computer. “Ms. Love! How are you?”

“Oh, call me Lori, please. I’m fine. I take it Quinn’s not here yet?”

“No, but he called just two minutes ago to see if you’d arrived yet. He’s right around the corner. Very impressive.”


“I haven’t seen him this close to being on time in years.”

“Oh, well. Thank you.” Lori felt flattered by this strange compliment.

“Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? Water or coffee?”

Lori shook her head and sat down to catch her breath, but she watched Jane as she turned back to her work. Despite her reserved air, Jane wasn’t as old as Lori had first suspected. In fact, they were probably about the same age.

The woman wore her hair pulled back in a tight knot and her clothes revealed little about her figure, but if one looked a bit closer…Jane was genuinely attractive. In fact, if this were one of Lori’s books, Jane would fit in perfectly. The meek secretary just waiting for the right man to notice her and give her a night she’d never forget. Hmm.

“I’m sorry,” Jane said, glancing up. “Did you say something?”

Shit, had she hummedout loud?“Nothing,” Lori chirped, and vowed to keep her musings to herself.

While Lori was lost in thought, pondering the likelihood that Jane was actually the secret mistress of a Greek tycoon, the door whooshed open. “Hi, Jane.” Quinn looked quickly around, and when his gaze found Lori in the corner, his eyes lit up. She was sure of it. Her heart beat harder in celebration.

“Lori.” He gave her a wicked smile. “I’m so glad you were able to clear your schedule. Someday maybe you’ll let me pick you up at your house, so we can have a date that’s less like a doctor’s appointment.”

“We’ll see,” she answered as she rose. Quinn was playing it cool, but his eyes devoured her as she stood.

“Jane, do you need anything else from me?” His gaze didn’t leave Lori’s body.

“No, Mr. Jennings, you’re all clear until the morning, but don’t forget that you have an appointment at 9:00 a.m. As for tonight, the reservation is for seven, but I’ll call ahead and let them know you’ll be early. You two have a lovely evening.”

“Thank you,” they said in unison, and Quinn reached for her hand and led her out of the building.

“You look beautiful. Again,” he murmured as the door closed behind them.

Before Lori could respond, he caught her around the waist and turned her for a kiss. His mouth stayed gentle and sweet, but the taste of him fanned memories of the previous night to fiery life. Lori was panting a little when he finally let her go. Strange to think that just a few days ago she’d thought of Quinn as rather harmless. Maybe even a bit nerdy.

He took her hand. “We can walk if you’d like. It’s not far. Though I never wear heels, so I may not be the best judge.”

“I’d like to walk. Where are we going?”

As they began their stroll, Quinn winked down at her. “It’s a surprise.”

“Does it have anything to do with turkey basters?”

“No. No turkey basters. Or bunnies. Then again, there might be rabbit on the menu, but I have nothing to do with that.” He kept stealing glances at her, and Lori flushed, embarrassed by the attention.

“You almost made me late today,” Quinn said.

“Should I pretend to be sorry?”

He chuckled. “No, you should not. I definitely wouldn’t want you to regret it. I haven’t slept that well in years.”

“Nice. Are you telling me I rocked your world?”

“No, I’m telling you you’re a lot of hard work, woman. I almost got a cramp.”