Page 45 of Start Me Up

Suddenly, it was all too wonderful. Not only was she having the best sex of her life, but she was pushing Quinn to the edge. She began to laugh. Out loud.

“Wait a minute,” he muttered.

Lori laughed harder.

“Wait, are youlaughingat me?”

“I’m sorry!” It wasn’t funny at all, it was just perfect. Delightful. Delicious.

“Well, this makes it easier for me to hold out, anyway.”

“I’m sorry!” she cried, laughing so hard now that she couldn’t see him past the tears. When she blinked them away, Quinn’s smile was the first thing she made out. He leaned down to kiss her nose.

“You really know how to hurt a guy.”

“You want a little more talk about how big you are, cowboy?”

He kissed her lips this time. “You’re getting sassy, Ms. Love.”

When he slipped all the way out of her body, Lori lost most of her sass. “Hey!”

“On your knees, Lori.”


He was done messing around, apparently, because he very calmly picked her up and flipped her to her stomach. Before she’d recovered, he shocked her even more. Quinn Jennings slapped her ass hard enough to make it sting.

Lori yelped and tried to figure out if she liked it. Was he going to spank her? Oh, my God, did shewanthim to? What if she hated it? It could ruin everything.

But when his hands touched her again, they curved over her hips and pulled her up. “Put your hands on the headboard.” His voice had lost any amusement. The words seemed to rumble through the room and trace over her skin.

Lori put her hands on the headboard.

The electric slide of his hand down the small of her back made her shiver. “Good girl.”

A jolt of lust swept through her belly, to her absolute mortification.You do not have daddy issues,she told her body in her best feminist voice. Her body responded by arching back in a blatant effort to please him.Hussy,the stern voice hissed, but hussy was no insult to her greedy body.

Quinn’s hands stroked down her arched back and over her ass. She braced herself for a more intimate touch, but when he stroked his fingertips into her wetness, she still gasped.

And then he was pushing back into her body, and how could she have forgotten that feeling in the space of a few moments?

The polished edge of the wood bit into her palms as she squeezed tight, but the fierceness she was ready for didn’t come. He was slower, gentler. Lori squirmed.

“Something wrong, Lori?”

“Mmm,” she complained, pushing back to meet his thrust.

He leaned over her, braced his hands on either side of hers. His tongue drew fire over her neck, and all the while he was stretching and stroking inside her.

Strangely, a soft beeping sound drifted to her ears. “Quinn?”

“Hmm?” He kept moving, moving, too slow and so beautiful.

“I think your phone’s ringing.”

He murmured, “I don’t think so.”

“I think it is.”