Page 42 of Start Me Up

“Great,” she croaked. “Let’s look some more.”

“You look hungry.”


He stalked toward her, pants still firmly in place. “But I want you starving.”

“What? No. Come on. You’ve been reading too many books.” She wanted him naked and hard and pushing into her right this moment. He put one knee on the bed. “Take your pants off, damn it!”

“Shut up,” he answered just before his mouth caught hers.

A punishing kiss.How many times had she read that stupid phrase in books? It had always seemed ridiculous to her, but if there was such a thing as a punishing kiss, this was it. Hard and demanding and hot. Quinn’s tongue licked roughly against hers, and his muscled arms forced her down to her back. This kiss didn’t ask for anything, it demanded that she yield.A punishing kiss.And Lori was suddenly a dirty girl who needed that control and correction.Oh, God, yes. Yes, Iamdirty. Finally.

Quinn didn’t stop kissing her, but he did start exploring her body, trailing his fingers down her side, then back up to tease her breasts. Shivering, she reached for him, thrilled to finally get her hands on his nakedness. God, his skin felt like silk stretched over the strength of his arms. She slid her palms everywhere—up, down, around to his back. He was hard and smooth until she got to his chest, where crisp hair trailed down to the waistband of his pants.

His fingers teased and teased, venturing as low as her navel before dancing away again. By the time he lifted his head, she was gasping, her heart sucking too much oxygen from her blood. When he licked at one nipple and then the other, Lori pressed her mouth to one big shoulder and bit down to try to stifle her need.

Quinn grunted, but neither the direction of his hands nor the pressure of his mouth changed. She was wet and tight and empty, and she needed him to touch her sexnow.His fingers teased over her hip bone.Now, now. Please.She let her knees fall open.Please.

His fingers—those elegant, artistic fingers—slipped into her dark curls, setting her nerves on fire. Her jaw trembled as she panted into his shoulder. “Quinn,” she begged. And then finally, finally he touched her, the tips of his fingers sliding along the wet line of her sex, up and down.

Lori gasped hard, but she still heard his sigh. As if the feel of her relieved something deep inside him.

“Damn, you’re wet,” he whispered as he dragged one finger over her clit.

Her hips jerked, rising up, desperate to get more of his attention. Her body’s plea worked. Quinn circled her clit once more—Oh, God—and then he slid one long finger deep inside her. She thought that felt good, but then he withdrew and pushed two fingers into her body, stretching her tight.

Lori broke. “Oh, God, Quinn. Oh, that feels good.”

He fucked her with his hand, and Lori gave up her hold on his shoulders and grabbed for his wrist.

“Yes. Yes. Ah,Quinn.” He’d curved his hand in some miraculous way so that every movement rubbed her clit at the same time as he thrust deep inside her. She dug her nails into his arm, making him hiss. He repaid her by closing his mouth over one nipple and sucking hard.

“Quinn,”she cried as all the nerves in her body began to shimmer. A vague sensation of floating lifted her away from the world for a long moment, and then her body pulled Lori back down into her skin just as she shattered into a million glittery bits. Her own scream floated to her ears as her hips jerked against his hold.

When she finally went limp against the bed, his touch left her and the mattress shifted. Lori wanted to open her eyes to see what he was up to, she really did, but she was too busy wondering how she could have lived without that for three decades. That…thatclimax.So much more than just an orgasm. That impossible melding of strength and utter weakness warring for control of her body.

The sound of a zipper lowering floated through the haze. Lethargy vanished like a bubble popping, and Lori’s eyes flew open.

“Well, hello there,” Quinn said.

“Hello.” She sighed, stretching hard, muscles sighing with pleasure.

“My God,” he growled. “You’re gorgeous.”

“Mmm. I think you’re just horny.”

“That, too.” He sat on the bed to tug off his shoes and socks, and Lori couldn’t resist shifting close to press a kiss to his back.

He growled again.

She liked that, so she licked a little way up his spine, then back down. This time he hissed. Lori liked that even more. When she wrapped her arms around his waist, the skin of his back pressed against her cheek, and she nuzzled him, breathing him in, the warm scent of skin and hint of fresh sweat. He was sweating for her. Forher.

Spreading her fingers wide, Lori smoothed her hands down the front of his thighs, then dragged them back up, letting her nails scrape against the fabric of his pants. The deep breath he took echoed through his body and into her ear, then it froze; he was waiting.

Smiling against his back, Lori pushed her hands slowly toward the open zipper. She held her breath, too, anticipating this first touch. The metal scrape of the zipper, then the soft, hot fabric of his boxers, and beneath that…His thick, solid length filled her hand.Oh, yeah.Lori stroked.

Air rushed into his lungs, then just as quickly out. She curled her fingers as far as she could past the barrier of his underwear. He felt big. Excitingly big.Yes, yes, yes. Please let him be big.