Page 114 of Start Me Up

“So will you stay and tell me about your favorite buildings in Paris? It’s my first stop.”

Quinn didn’t even answer. He just grabbed his beer, took her hand and led her to the couch. She asked a few questions and then he was off, describing cathedrals and libraries and ornate palaces. She didn’t take notes. Hell, she didn’t even listen. She just watched his face shift from seriousness to reverence to awe. His hands shaped and turned, gesturing toward structures she couldn’t see.

Lori melted into the couch. He was a work of art. A man made beautiful by his passion. She could watch him for hours. She could have sex with himright now.When he finally came to a stop, Lori breathed out a deep sigh.

“You’re amazing. If you ever looked at a woman like that, she’d be in deep trouble.”

His brow lowered and his eyes finally came back into focus. “Pardon me?”


He glared at her. “I hope you’re not serious.”

“Oh, come on, Quinn. You’re like a different person when you talk about architecture.”

“You think I like buildings more than I like you?”

Lori cringed and didn’t answer, trying to be diplomatic. But apparently Quinn didn’t appreciate the diplomacy. He set down his empty bottle with a thunk and stood, holding out his hand. “Come on.”

“What?” She took his hand and found herself towed toward the bathroom.“What?”

“Look,” he said, facing her toward the mirror. He stood behind her, hands on her shoulders.

She looked…and realized she’d forgotten to put on a bra under her tank top. Not a terrible mistake, considering.

“Look here,” he whispered. He wound one of her curls around his finger. “You’re beautiful, Lori.”

She cringed a little.

Quinn shook his head. “You’re amazing. A work of art and engineering.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m not.”

“Look.” He wound her curl a little tighter. “Your hair is arabesque tracery…”

She started to shake her head.

“Falling down to hide the fragile volute of your ear.” His lips touched her ear and paused there for a moment, mouth brushing her skin in a butterfly touch.

Lori shivered.

“And here…” His hand slid down her throat to rest against her chest. “Your collarbone, a formeret, sweeping out to your shoulder. I’ve traced it in my mind…” Lowering his mouth, he pressed his lips there, following the shape of the bone with a trail of kisses.

Lori’s heart thundered and her chest tightened until she couldn’t breathe. Quinn’s words wound around her, the consonants brushing her skin. Was this really happening?

“The lancet arch under your arm—” he brushed his fingers down her bicep “—and the perfect rounded vault of your breast.”

She watched his fingers spread over her breast and curve beneath the slight weight as her knees went weak and helpless. He paused there, looking at their reflection in the mirror.

As they both stared, Quinn raised his hands and slid both thin straps off of her shoulders. Her top fell, exposing her breasts. Lori gasped and heard the gorgeous sound of Quinn sighing behind her. He slid past her and dropped to his knees.

“Here.” He breathed the words against her breast. “Your nipples are delicate rosettes, straining to be noticed. Inotice.” Before his words had finished shivering through her, he put his hot mouth to one nipple and drew it gently into his mouth. He sucked at her until she moaned, then dragged his wet mouth lower. “Your ribs…” He nuzzled each individual line of her ribs. “Your ribs are molded struts forming the frame of your body.”

“Quinn…” she gasped, but he moved lower still.

His tongue dipped into her belly button. “Your navel is a circled niche hidden in the curve of your belly.”

When he reached for the button of her jeans, Lori let her head fall back against the cool wood of the doorjamb.