Page 84 of Start Me Up

“And now you’re proud that we just screwed like crazy people?”

“Yes,” she answered before her cowardice got the better of her.

They stared at each other, silent for five or six breaths, while Lori’s stomach sank lower and lower. Until, finally…Quinn smiled. “Yeah, I’m kind of proud of myself, too. I was a fucking sexninja.”

She’d thought the orgasm great, but the laughter was even better. They both had to wipe tears from their eyes before they settled into each other again, and the giggles hit Lori every few seconds for a good fifteen minutes before she finally fell asleep.

That night she dreamed of masked ninjas prowling through her room, watching her sleep. Strangely enough, despite their frightening masks and glinting eyes, they all seemed quite friendly.


LORI WOKE UP ALONEin a big, strange bed. A first for her.Anotherfirst.

Grinning into the dark, she sat up and looked around for a clock. Only five in the morning, but that was hardly a surprise. They’d fallen asleep pretty early, after all.

The curiously sore muscles of her stomach complained when she collapsed into the pillows. She was clearly in for a deliciously achy day. She’d been ridden hard and put up very, very wet.

“Hell, yeah,” Lori groaned, glad that Quinn wasn’t next to her. She was embarrassed, just as she’d expected to be. But she only needed a minute. One minute of embarrassment and then she’d get over it, whether she was ready or not.

But for a full sixty seconds she simply lay in Quinn’s bed, taking deep breaths as heat rushed over her skin in waves. The bondage part hadn’t been particularly embarrassing. It was the “I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me” part that made her blush. It also made her wet as hell, and she spent the rest of her minute of mortification wondering how many times Quinn would be up for that in the next few weeks.

Sweet, nerdy Quinn…who’d have thought he’d play the role of demanding captor so damn well? “It’s always the quiet ones,” Molly had once said about Ben. Obviously Molly Jennings was a woman who knew what she was talking about.

Just in case Quinn had only wandered away for a few moments, Lori stretched hard and relaxed back into the bed. She could pretend to be asleep if he came back in…unconsciously roll onto her stomach and pull the sheets out of place. He wouldn’t be able to resist the glimpse of her naked ass, but he wouldn’t want to wake her, either. So he’d ease back into bed and run a careful hand up her thigh. Slide his fingers gently between her legs, just for a quick touch, but then he’d find her already soaking wet, ready for him. Lori would whimper a little, shift her knee higher.

Was she asleep or awake? Quinn wouldn’t know, but he’d be so damned hard, he’d have to have her. He’d ease off his shorts and kneel between her parted legs, stroke his dick down her ass until he found the slick niche of her sex….

Lori moaned and rubbed her fingers over her throbbing clit. Shocks radiated up her belly, urging her to finish the job, but there was no good reason to get herself off when Quinn couldn’t be more than a hundred feet away. Much better to surprise him with a little morning quickie.

The floor radiated warmth when Lori set her bare feet down. She found her panties quickly, but resisted the idea of zipping into the tight bodice of her crumpled dress. Instead, she grabbed Quinn’s dress shirt and fastened only two of the middle buttons.Sexy.After a quick detour to his bathroom, Lori set out to find her prey.

The kitchen and living room were empty and the patio door still shut tight. Lori headed upstairs and walked straight into what must be Quinn’s office. The large loft took up most of the second level. It looked out over the two-story living room below, and the outer walls were set with a half-dozen windows. Quinn sat in front of one of these windows, a big lamp blazing light onto a huge drafting table. He was hunched over, wielding a very complicated-looking ruler and a black pencil. He didn’t look up.

“Hey, Quinn,” she said, surprised at the throaty whisper that emerged from her mouth.

Quinn didn’t seem surprised. In fact, he didn’t seem to notice anything at all. “Hey,” he muttered.

Well. Sexy, indeed. She thought of dropping the shirt altogether, but even sheer nudity wouldn’t work if he didn’t look up from his work. Better to keep the shirt on and her pride intact. Plus, the blinds were open.

Glancing around to see what view the neighbors might have, Lori’s eyes fell on the big, paper-strewn desk a few feet to Quinn’s right. She cut her eyes back to him, then to the desk again.

Hmm. If he was too busy for sex, maybe she could get some work done, too.

Feeling like a James Bond villainess—spying right under the hero’s nose!—Lori sidled over, her peripheral vision locked on Quinn. His eyes didn’t so much as shift in her direction.

At first, she only stood there, looking over the files and letters tangled up in haphazard piles. Nothing said “Tumble Creek,” which would have been helpful, and none of the papers had been stamped with a big red “Top Secret,” either.

After looking over her shoulder to confirm Quinn’s continued absorption in his work, Lori dared to use one finger to shift a few files around, glancing at the labels on each. Paper rubbing against paper made a much louder sound than she’d ever noticed before. It scraped and dragged and crackled.

Good Lord.Her hairline prickled with sweat, but Quinn worked on, undisturbed. Encouraged by his complete lack of attention, Lori turned back to the desk and began picking files up.

When she lifted the third one, the file beneath it stopped her heart for a startling moment.Anton/Bliss,the tab read,Project 29-10.Lori pulled it out and spread the file open.

Inside was a sketch of a gorgeous house fronted with a huge, two-story porch. The supports of the porch were polished pine logs, thick enough to be whole tree trunks. The house sat amidst mature aspens and lush grass. At the very bottom of the paper, a ribbon of water edged onto the idyllic scene.

Herfather’sriver?Maybe. But she couldn’t possibly be so lucky.

She flipped the sketch over to see the pictures beneath, but aside from one set of floor plans, the other papers were only notes. Numbers and abbreviations that she couldn’t decipher. Finally, the last page was an e-mail from Anton/Bliss discussing a proposal for ariverfrontcollection of homes.