Page 75 of Start Me Up

Lori blinked in shock. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you call him Quinn!”

“Oh! I’m sorry. I thought of him as Quinn back then, but he’s Mr. Jennings now.”

My God, this was weird, wasn’t it? Jane looked uncomfortable, too, and suddenly Lori had no doubt of the woman’s age. Her eyes behind the glasses were wide and uncertain. Her skin flushed and smooth as silk. Definitely pretty and definitely young.

Jane bit her lip and glanced around, then leaned close. “I work among men, Ms. Love. Not that I think Mr. Jennings would ever be inappropriate, but the men coming through the office…Engineers and surveyors and developers and planners and, oh, God, thecontractors.” She gave a little shudder. “Professionalism is key. Even with the women, because they assume that just because I’m young and working for a handsome, successful man, I’m taking more than dictation from him in the back room.” She rolled her eyes and went on. “I’m not well educated. I’m not one of the boys. Propriety is all I have.”

Something that felt a lot like deep affection welled up in Lori’s chest and bubbled into her throat, forcing her to whisper. “I understand.”

“Do you?”

“Jane, are you kidding? Do you know what I do?”

Shrugging, she shook her head, though her chignon didn’t shift even a millimeter.

“I’m amechanic.I spent my whole childhood in my dad’s shop. And now I’ve spent my whole adult life in the shop, too, damn it all to hell. So, yes, I know exactly what you mean. I curse like a sailor and never give an inch. I get greasier than I need to, just so they won’t call me prissy. Hell, I let the whole town think I’m a lesbian! So, yes, I get it. We’re two halves of the same coin, Jane. Lucky for you, you’re the shiny side.”

The woman drew back in surprise, eyes skittering down Lori’s dress. “But you’re so pretty and feminine—”

“This isn’t me.”

“Of course it is.”

“No, Jane, this isn’t me. I’m playing dress up, and it’s fun, but it’s not real.”

Jane’s mouth opened as if she were about to deliver a lecture, and Lori braced herself. Despite the woman’s youth, she looked fully capable of delivering some seriously stern shit. But then Jane’s brown eyes shifted and her frown popped into a smile.

“Mr. Jennings is looking for you. Finally.”

Lori relaxed. “The man does love to talk engineering, doesn’t he? But if he’s done, I’d better go.”

The careful touch on her arm stopped her. “Listen. If I remember what I heard, I’ll let you know. As long as it’s nothing proprietary to Jennings Architecture, you understand.”

Lori didn’t bother resisting the urge to give Jane a quick hug. “Thank you. Call me if you ever need a new set of spark plugs. Or a pretend lesbian date. I’m good for either.”


QUINN MADE HIS WAYtoward Lori through the crowd. He meant to ask her why she and Jane had been looking out a blacked-out window as they spoke, but her cuteness totally distracted him as he watched her smile at his assistant.

She might be a tomboy, but he was finding that there was something spectacularly arousing about a woman who hid her sexiness behind T-shirts and tennis shoes…or steel-toed boots. The dress and heels were like visual foreplay. A secret message.

But unlike some of the other women in the room, she looked real. Not posed. Or even poised, frankly. Dressed up as she was, she wasn’t wearing any jewelry, not even earrings. But she looked fresh and warm and approachable.

He wasn’t the only one who noticed. Peter Anton stood a few yards away and his eyes were locked on Lori’s body.

Seeming completely unaware, Lori turned away from Jane and aimed a smile in Quinn’s direction. His heart shuddered.

“Hey, Quinn,” she said.

“Hey, Lori Love.” Her smile inched wider as it usually did when he said her full name. “Did you introduce yourself to Peter?”

The grin slipped. “Why?” She glanced in the man’s direction.

“Because he’s having trouble keeping his eyes off your ass. I thought you two had become friends.”

Her spine relaxed a little and the grin returned. “Nope. It must be the gravitational pull of my mojo.”

Quinn leaned closer until the scent of her shampoo filled his world. “I think maybe he’s got a good eye for the naughty ones.” Her lashes fluttered to her cheek. When she took a deep breath, he couldn’t help but notice the strain it put on her dress. “I’ve got a couple more people to talk to, and then we can go.”