Page 60 of Start Me Up

“Not anymore.”

“Damn it, if something like that had happened to me, if my parents had needed me, I would’ve been in the same spot. We’re from thesame place.Your dad ran the garage, and mine ran the feed store. We both worked hard and we both had a plan. And then something terrible happened to you. That’s the only difference between us.”

“I suppose.” Lori sighed. “But it’s a big difference.”

“Is not,” he countered, making her smile.

“Regardless, it’s not a reason to act like an insecure shrew. I apologize.”

“You know,” Quinn drawled, “if yelling at me makes you want to get your freak on, I might be able to tolerate it.”

“Yelling at you does not make me horny. And I didn’t yell.”

“Mmm. But you did get very mad. And your cheeks got all pink. And your chest started heaving.”

“I think me being mad makesyouhorny.”

“I think you’re right. Wanna fight again?”

Lori chuckled past the wave of desire that washed over her. “If I had the time, yes. Definitely. I might even knock you around a little bit.”


They were already at the entrance of Quinn’s parking lot and, God, she didn’t want this to end. And if it had to end tonight, she wanted to pick it up tomorrow.

Damn it.

Lori groaned, “I can’t,” as she stopped next to her lavender half-ton pickup. “I put Molly off until tomorrow, but I can’t do it again. I’m meeting her at The Bar.”

“What time?” Quinn asked immediately.

“You can’t come!”

“I’m not going to come crash your girl party. What kind of loser do you think I am?”

“A horny one?”

“Ha! No, I was thinking I’d be a horny stalker instead, and come see you after your date with my sister.”

“Yeah? You’d make a booty call in the middle of the night?”

“Yes, I definitely would.”

She leaned against her truck and smiled up at him. “Mr. Jennings, where in the world is your dignity?”

Quinn frowned and made a show of patting his pockets. “Damn, I must have left it in that alley back there. I saw some dignity on the ground near the Dumpster, but I thought it was yours.”

“Asshole.” She tried to kick his shin as she laughed, but he’d stepped too close to give her any room. Still, it was easy to forgive him when he feathered a kiss over her temple.

“I’m going to Vancouver in a couple of days. Come with me?”

Her smile froze as a band of shock wrapped itself around her lungs and slowly tightened. “Vancouver?” she wheezed.

“It’s a beautiful city. Have you ever been?”

She shook her head, hoping the movement wouldn’t set it spinning.

“I’m speaking at a conference on Monday, but I can free up the whole evening to show you around.”