Page 53 of Start Me Up

“Any allergies? Anything you can’t stand?”

“Um…just mushrooms. And raw fish.”

“All right. No Spanish sushi.” He leaned back and smiled at her. “I’m so glad you decided to ditch my sister.”

“Shut up. You’re going to make me feel bad.”

“Poor Lori.” He reached for her hand and drew it to his lips to press a kiss to her fingertips. She stopped breathing for a moment, but when he sucked the tip of her middle finger into his mouth, she couldn’t help her loud gasp. The gasp turned to a yelp when a waiter chose that moment to walk up to the table. Lori jerked her hand back and nearly knocked over her empty wineglass, while Quinn just smiled serenely.

After the waiter informed them of the specials, Quinn launched into that musical Spanish again. She could pick up only a few words from her semesters of high school Spanish.Vino. Paella.And…baño?No, that meant bathroom. Lori gave up and just enjoyed the show.

Maybe…maybe if she asked very nicely, he’d speak Spanish to her while they had sex. She could pretend he was a Spanish corsair who’d kidnapped her and forced her to be his personal slave. Alone on his ship with no hope of rescue. The things he’d make her do. Things no innocent lady should know about.

When she realized that silence had fallen around her, Lori looked up to find both Quinn and the waiter staring at her. Her eyes flew wide. “What?” She hadn’t spoken out loud again, had she?

“Still or sparkling?” Quinn asked, eyes dancing with amusement.


“Water,” he said carefully, as if he were repeating himself.

“Oh. Regular water. I mean, still. Thank you. Sorry. I was just…”

As soon as the waiter turned away, Quinn chuckled. “You’re blushing. Whatwereyou thinking about, Lori Love?”

She shook her head so hard her hair brushed her neck.

“I didn’t get a chance to do my homework today. Is there something I should know about?”

“No! I wasn’t…um…”

“Oh, I think you were.”

The waiter returned then, rescuing her by presenting a small bottle of wine to Quinn. The two men went through all the fancy wine steps that were required at any Aspen restaurant, and then Quinn presented her with a glass half-filled with deep golden liquid.

“Vino de Málaga.It’s a bit sweet. I hope you don’t mind.” When she shook her head, he raised his own glass and tilted it toward hers. “To Spain,” he said, “and fantasy.”

“Hear, hear,” Lori agreed. When the sweet, cold wine touched her tongue, she couldn’t help but moan her approval. It was flowery and bright. Too bad she couldn’t get tipsy tonight.

Quinn’s eyes narrowed. “Remind me to stock up on Málaga wine tomorrow. I like that sound.”

“Falling back on props?” Her amusement turned to a shock of desire when he dragged his gaze down her body.

“Props, hmm? That’s something to consider. Thanks for the hint.”

“I thought it was more of an insult.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Don’t make me get out the transcripts of last night. Your insults fall on deaf ears. Although…there was the laughing to consider.”

“Hey, at least I didn’tpointand laugh.”

“Jesus.” He chuckled. “You’re cruel. And you’re starting to chip away at my confidence.”

“I wouldn’t want you to get complacent. Complacency is the enemy of hot monkey love.”

“Hmm. Ben Franklin?”

Thank God she didn’t have wine in her mouth at that moment or it would’ve gone airborne.