She glanced at his notebook. “Did you write a new song?”

“No, I was reworking the one I sang you.” He suddenly grew nervous she would ask to hear it. He was feeling insecure at the moment and didn’t want to share it. He shoved his notebook into his bag.


Her phone chimed again, and she picked it up, read it and sent a message off. He tried not to be too interested in it. “Another text from Jalen?”

“Yeah. He’s busy.” She scrutinized him. “Does he manage more than just you?”

He laughed. “More than just me? You think I’m not that hard to manage?”

Riley blushed and fiddled with her bag. “That didn’t come out right.”

She was cute when she was flustered. He smiled at her. “It’s okay. I know what you meant. No, he doesn’t manage anyone else. I guess I’m just a handful.”

“Well, you are popular.”

Before he could respond her phone rang. She answered, and her face drained of color. “Mrs. Lewis? What’s wrong?”

She shot up from her chair. “Is he going by ambulance?”

Jalen’s heart twisted, and he stood as well. Riley nodded, thanked Mrs. Lewis for the call, and hung up.

“Your father?” he asked, his throat tight.

“Yes,” she said. “Dorothy found him passed out on the floor. She doesn’t know what’s wrong, so she called the ambulance. He’s being transported to the ER.”

Jalen pulled her into his arms. “Oh, no. I’m so sorry. Do you need to leave the island?” He hated to ask, but knew how serious her father’s condition was. He couldn’t hold her there. Not if there was a chance this was the last time she’d see her father. Not even if it meant he might never see her again.

Chapter 17

Thoughts and emotions swirled around in Riley’s head as she tried to process what to say. Did she need to go home? This wasn’t the first time her father had passed out. It was part of his heart condition. Still, if it was something more, she should be with him.

Shadow held her, his strong arms encircling her. She inhaled, taking in the masculine smell of him. It comforted her for some reason.

“If you need to go,” he said quietly. “I can schedule you a flight.”

She took in a shaky breath. The last several times this happened, the doctor said there was nothing he could do. Her father had a weak heart. He sent him back home. “It could be nothing. I’d feel stupid if I rushed home and there wasn’t anything I could do.”

“What if it’s not nothing?”

Her mind raced. “Then the doctor will tell me after he gets checked out at the ER. I can book a flight then, if I need to.”

Shadow frowned but nodded. “I understand.”

Riley let out a breath and pulled back from him. “I’ll call the hospital and let them know he’s on his way. Then I’ll just have to wait for him to be checked out.”

“All right.” He kissed her forehead. It was a quick gesture—it looked like he didn’t even think about it before he did it—but it melted her heart.

“Thank you for being there for me.”

“Of course.”

After she called the hospital and spoke to the doctor on call, she paced the room, her nerves tied up in knots. She didn’t know what to do with herself.

“Do you want to have some time to yourself?”

“And pace the floor alone in my own room? No, thank you.” That would just be depressing.