His stomach clenched as his gaze lifted to the scars on his forehead. The mottled skin really did look horrible. Riley hadn’t flinched when she met him, but how would she feel knowing she’d shared such personal things with him? Or that she’d kissedhim? He thought getting to know her as Shadow would be good, but in reality, he’d created an awkward situation that he didn’t foresee.

Now he was unsure if she would accept him. His phone chimed and he walked into the other room. Sir Barks picked up his head and stared at him, his ears up. “No, it’s not time for a walk.”

He checked his messages and saw one from Riley.

Hey, just checking to see if this is Jalen or Shadow.

Jalen typed the word,both, but immediately deleted it and sent a different message.

It’s Shadow.

Okay, good to know. I wasn’t sure if Jalen had taken his phone with him when he left yesterday.

Well, shoot. That would have made more sense. What was he thinking? He really should have gone out yesterday and gotten a phone for Shadow. He’d already given Riley a stupid excuse about it. Now he had to think of something else.

Jalen told me he was going to get me a new phone and bring it to me on Saturday.

It was lame, but it was the best idea that came to him.

Okay. Do you need anything this morning?

Your lips?Jalen chuckled and deleted that. He was sure in a mood.

No. I’ll just be working on my album. I’m scheduled to sing a couple of songs at the restaurant here over the lunch hour, and tonight there’s another concert on the beach.

Her response came quickly.

Okay, text me if you need anything.

Disappointment settled in his chest. Why didn’t he say he needed something? He could have asked for her help. His fingers itched to text her back and have her come bring water or take his laundry to the cleaners. But it was selfish of him. She deserved some time off.

He tossed his phone on the bed and walked to the window. He couldn’t stop playing last night’s events over and over in his head. Their kisses. Riley’s quirky personality shining through. And her invisible wall she hid behind. Riley was a mystery, and he wanted to unravel every thread.

Sir Barks whined, his tail thumping on the floor. “All right. Just a second.”

Normally, he’d just walk his dog as Jalen, and no one would pay attention to him. But now that he’d lied and said Jalen was gone, he had to walk Sir Barks as Shadow in case Riley would run into them. Not ideal, because he’d definitely attract unwanted attention.

He could ask Riley to walk Sir Barks. But he’d just told her he didn’t need her. Still, that’s what she was hired for. To do all the things he couldn’t.

Jalen picked up his phone again.

I hate to ask, but could you walk Sir Barks for me again?

Sure. I’ll be there in a minute.

He realized he hadn’t dressed as Shadow yet, and he quickly rushed to get his outfit and mask on. He didn’t bother with his gloves, since he often took those off around her anyway. Luckily, she didn’t knock until he was ready. He pulled open the door and ushered her inside.

“Thanks for taking him on a walk. I don’t like to go out dressed like Shadow if I can help it.”

She considered him. “Have you ever walked him as yourself, then?”

Jalen worked his jaw, guilt making his palms sweat. “Yes, I have,” he said carefully.

Riley walked to the desk and picked up Sir Barks’ leash before slowly turning to him. “But not now, because we’re here? You don’t want people seeing you with Jalen’s dog?”

He nodded, glad she’d thought of a good reason why he couldn’t walk the dog. “Right.”

Her gaze shifted around the room until it landed on the door that led to the second room he’d booked. The one he used when he was Jalen, not Shadow. “You have an adjoining room.”