Jalen bit back a rude comment. It wasn’t Colby’s fault. Jalen should have simply kissed Riley when the mood turned more intimate. It was his own fault he was a coward. He tugged on his gloves. “What’s up?”

Colby pointed toward the stage. “They’re about ready for us. I think you’re up first, so I just wanted to make sure you’re about ready.”

He sighed. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

Colby nodded, then gave him another grin. “See ya out there.”

Someone started talking on the loudspeaker, warming up the crowd for the concert. Jalen took one more minute to make sure his mask and skullcap were on properly before he stepped from his tent and climbed onto the stage.

He quickly lost himself in the show, getting into the music and gaining energy from the crowd. This was where he belonged. On stage, singing and entertaining. The crowd screamed as he began his newest release that had hit number one on the Billboards. As he sang, he couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Riley, standing backstage. She was tapping her leg to the music, which made him smile. She professed to not like the pop stuff, but he wasn’t sure how true that was. Maybe he could convert her yet.

Chapter 13

It was incredibly difficult to not sing and dance to the music as Riley watched the show unfold on the stage. Her young, teenage heart was beyond thrilled with getting to be backstage with Shadow Walker, Colby King, and several other stars she loved. Hearing them perform live was a thrill. Not that she’d never been to a concert, but she’d always been in the nosebleed section. Getting to hear them from this close was amazing. And Shadow was on another plane tonight. He was easily the best performer, hands down.

She watched as he danced and worked the stage and the crowd. He loved what he did. That was obvious. He was born to perform. As he finished his song and waved to the crowd, Riley grabbed a cold bottle of water and loosened the cap for him. He ran backstage, and she handed it to him. “I’m sure you need this.”

He grinned at her, sweat glistening on his jawline. “Thanks.”

As he drank, Riley pulled out a towel. She traded it for the half-empty bottle. Shadow patted his skin with the towel. “You know exactly what I want, when I want it. I think you’re part genie.”

“Oh, really?”

He leaned closer to her, a playful look in his eyes. “I’m also pretty sure Jalen’s not paying you nearly enough.”

Butterflies exploded in her stomach at his close proximity. He smelled of a cologne she was sure she knew but couldn’t place. It made her pulse react. “Just trying to be helpful.”

The noise from the crowd overpowered them. He glanced back at the stage. He seemed energized by the excitement. “I have one more encore to do, then I’ll be done.”

“How long do you need to stay at the mix-and-mingle?”

“I won’t have to stay long. If I walk through the crowd and shake hands, I should be good.”

“Okay. I’ll have more water for you in your tent.”

Shadow motioned to the beach. “They’ll have food and drinks at the gathering. Why don’t you run down and grab something to eat while I finish up on stage? I’ll join you when I’m done working the crowd. Maybe we can do something after.”

Riley nodded, her butterflies going crazy at the thought of spending more time with him after the party. She was pretty sure he was about to kiss her when Colby interrupted. Just the thought of Shadow’s lips on hers made her melt inside. She was pretty sure an actual kiss from Shadow Walker would send her into a state of bliss.

Shadow grinned and gave her a small wave before running back out onto the stage. The crowd went wild. Riley took in slow breaths to try to calm her heart. She was definitely in dangerous territory.

She had developed a massive crush on Shadow. If she allowed it to get into the kissing territory, she was afraid of what might happen when her story about him dropped. Would he think she was simply using him?

That was not what she wanted. She was being genuine about her feelings. If things kept progressing, she could see herself getting into a serious relationship with him. But what would he think if he found out she was a tabloid reporter?

Guilt soured her stomach, and she slipped out the back. She didn’t want to think about that. It just made her uncomfortable. Maybe there was a way she could get out of writing the article.

As Shadow sang on stage, she grabbed a plate and walked down the line, adding cheese, crackers, and vegetables with dip. Shadow sang one of his early songs, and she found herself singing along with the crowd. He looked good on stage. She held in a smile as he played his guitar and walked close to the edge of the stage where the fans went wild.

A tiny bit of jealousy surged in her as Shadow reached down and touched hands with a few of his fans. They seemed to be a younger crowd today than with the schooner excursion or the painting class. And why did all the perky young girls get to be right by the stage? It annoyed Riley.

The concert ended, and she weaved her way through the crowd, heading toward the copse of trees by the edge of the beach where she could wait for Shadow. She picked at her food and watched him as he came out from behind the stage to mingle with the guests.

His security followed him as he worked the crowd, talking to people and making them laugh. She liked the way he listened to what his fans said to him. It looked like he really cared. Her gaze followed him as he walked along the beach.

“Hey, it’s Riley, right?”

She turned to see Colby King leaning against one of the trees, his cowboy hat pulled down low enough so she could barely see his eyes. “Yes,” she said, surprised to see him there.