
Colby sauntered over to Riley. His gaze traveled over her. “Who’s this?”

Annoyance washed over Jalen. Why didn’t he just talk to her if he wanted to know who she was? He hated it when stars played some kind of power game with people. “This is my assistant, Riley.”

Colby smiled and stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Riley.”

Of course, he didn’t introduce himself because he was conceited and figured everyone knew who he was. Yet, Riley stared at him, a blank look on her face. Jalen, suddenly interested, watched what would happen.

Riley politely took his hand. “I didn’t catch your name.”

Colby laughed, the sound echoing across the stage. When Riley didn’t join in, he sobered. “You really don’t know who I am?”

Riley shook her head. “Sorry, I don’t listen to that pop stuff.”

Jalen hid a smile as Colby took a step back from her. “Pop stuff?” He turned to Jalen, his smile now stiff. “Where did you find this delightful assistant?”

Jalen slapped Colby’s arm. “Get over it. Not every woman worships you.”

A feedback noise came from the speakers, and they all cringed. “Sorry,” one of the sound guys called out.

Colby chuckled and cozied up to Riley. The hairs on the back of Jalen’s neck rose. “Why don’t you meet me after the concert, and I’ll tell you all about who I am.”

Riley stepped away from him, but Jalen couldn’t quite read her expression. “I’m sorry. I’m working tonight.”

“You won’t be workingall night, will you?”

Jalen ground his teeth. “She said she’s working.”

Colby stuck his hands up. “Hey, no problem.”

They continued the sound check, and Jalen shoved his guitar back in his case and climbed down from the stage. When he and Riley were out of earshot, he leaned toward her. “Sorry about that. Colby thinks he’s a lady’s man.”

Riley laughed. “I didn’t mind.”

Wait, what? She didn’t mind? Did she like the attention from Colby? He was an insufferable flirt. Was she flattered by that? He opened his mouth to ask, but her phone chimed, and she dug it out of her bag.

She read the text, snickered, and put her phone back. “Dad wants me to know he got to eat pot roast for dinner and didn’t have to listen to any dead-husband stories.”

“Good for him.”

The resort had set up a few tents behind the stage so the stars could relax, change, or whatever they needed to do before the show. Jalen unzipped the flap on his tent and ushered Riley inside. It was a little cramped, but at the highest point, they could both stand up straight. An oscillating fan kept it surprisingly cool.

He motioned to the cot they’d set up for him. “Have a seat.”

“Do you need anything else before the show? Tylenol?”

He squinted at her as he sat beside her. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“How do you know when I have a headache? Or when I’m thirsty?” Or when he should put on sunscreen? But he kept that one to himself.

“I don’t know. You just looked like you might be in pain.”

“It’s uncanny. I didn’t even realize I had a headache until you asked.”

She set her bag on her lap and pulled out a small, white bottle. It rattled as she tried to get the lid off. “Maybe I’m psychic.” She grinned at him as she held out two pills in the palm of her hand.