“Don’t worry. I feel pretty safe with you. You have security. Plus, you do have a sword.” She pointed to it still hanging from his belt from the performance.

He pulled it out of its sheath and took a stance. “You’re right. I do. I just wish it wasn’t plastic.”

She took it from him, laughing. “I always thought it was a real sword.”

He stared at her. “Always? I thought you didn’t know who I was.”

Oh, crud. She’d messed up. What could she say to fix it? “I meant since I first saw you on the schooner boat.”

“Well, good. The last thing I want is to look dumb on stage.” He winked at her, which made her snort.

“You couldn’t look dumb on stage if you tried. You’re the epitome of cool.” She gave him the sword back.

“I’m glad. I was worried when I first decided to wear a mask on stage that it would be stupid.” He sobered. “Like everyone would see right through the flimsy disguise and could tell I was just a self-conscious, awkward man.”

She looked up at him, surprised he’d said that. “You’re not awkward at all. You’re very talented. That’s what people see.”

The smells from the nearby restaurants made her mouth water. Even though they had already eaten, she was getting hungry again. “What made you decide that a mask was a good way to get your foot in the door?”

He hesitated before answering. “I had tried to catch a break singing as myself. No one was interested.”

“So, you’re not an actor?” The words were out before she could sensor them.

“An actor?” He seemed surprised by her question.

“Well…” She tried to think of something to say. “I guess when I found out you perform while in disguise, I figured you were someone already famous who wanted to make it on your own…” Okay, now she felt dumb. Her assumption was obviously wrong.

He laughed, the sound carrying over the air. “No, I’m not an actor. I’m a nobody.”

A sadness settled over Riley as she began to see him in a new light. He was an extremely successful singer, but maybe he felt like an awkward nobody when he wasn’t wearing his mask. She stopped and turned to him. Behind him, the full moon reflected off the water. It was getting late, and there weren’t too many people walking on the street. They were essentially alone, besides his security guard who had stopped a few yards back to give them some privacy. “You’re not a nobody.”

He gazed at her as the moment stretched between them. “You…” He spoke so quietly she could barely hear him. “You might be disappointed if you knew the truth.”

Riley’s heart lodged in her throat. Was he thinking of telling her who he was? Her mouth went dry, and she couldn’t breathe. She was so close, she could feel it. And yet, a part of her held back. What would it mean if he trusted her enough to let her see his face? Could she go ahead with the story and expose him? The thought made her sick to her stomach.

She swallowed, pushing away the guilt that once again rose in her chest. “You’re a kind person. That’s all I know.”

He pulled her gently to him. His hands rested on her hips, and her pulse quickened at his touch. He’d finally pulled off his gloves. He traced one finger down the side of her face, sending her heart into overdrive.

“And you, Miss Riley, are a beautiful soul.” He leaned closer to her, but hesitated when he was mere millimeters away from her lips. She waited, breathless. Surely he was going to kiss her. But he just stood there, frozen.

“Riley?” His breath tickled her lips.


“Can I kiss you?” he whispered.

If her heart had not already been melted enough, those four words finished the job. “Yes,” she said, then closed the gap, unable to wait for him any longer.

Chapter 14

When Riley’s lips met his, Jalen’s heart stopped. Nothing could prepare him for the silky-soft feeling. He’d kissed a girl before, but that was when he was an awkward teenager, and it hadn’t ended well. It also hadn’t lasted more than two seconds. This was an entirely different experience.

Her kiss was slow, like a lazy dance on a summer afternoon. It took his breath away. He matched her movements, his lips tugging at hers, pulling her body closer and taking in every sensation that washed over his skin. The music of their kiss wrote itself into his soul. It was a slow song, the tempo accentuated with his beating heart.

Her hands slid up his arms, and his hold on her tightened. Did she know what that did to him? He kissed along her jaw and down her neck, feeling her pulse under his lips. He could so easily get lost in her. The smell of her skin. The feeling of her in his arms, pressed up against him. She cupped his face, dragging his lips back to hers.

Her fingers explored the skin just below his mask as her lips sent more waves of desire through him. With one flick of her hand, she could take his mask off. It was unnerving, yet he fully trusted her. In fact, at this moment he no longer cared about being in disguise. If she unmasked him, he knew he would not hide his face from her.