“Maybe your father doesn’t knowyou.” He walked to her and took her hand. “You’re stronger than you think.”

Dani stared at Austin, his words sinking in. Was she strong, though? Could she do what she needed to do? She’d lived her whole life in her father’s shadow. Could she break free, and do something on her own?

Chapter 28

Dani shielded her face as Austin tried to move past all of the paparazzi gathered outside of the hospital. It was a madhouse, microphones and cameras stuck in her face as so many of them shouted out insane questions.

“Did you overdose?”

“Are you and Austin Scott a couple?”

“When will you get your life under control?”

That last one really hit Dani hard. When would she get her life under control? Everything felt like it was spinning, and she was helpless to do anything about it.

Austin helped her into the golf cart, but it was surrounded by reporters and they had a terrible time getting anywhere. Dani was sure her face would be all over the news in a few minutes. Heck, it probably already was.

When they finally got back to the resort and made it inside where the paparazzi weren’t allowed, she sighed and ran a hand over her hair. “Thank goodness.”

“Are you okay?” Austin asked, joining her on the couch.

“Yes.” She lied. She wasn’t okay. She was bone tired, and just wanted to sink into nothingness. She’d been drugged, and now her father wanted to take her on some stupid publicity tour. She was just done.

“You don’t look okay.”

“I’m just tired of it all. I can’t stand the cameras. Paparazzi. They make me crazy.” She put her head in her hands.

Austin rubbed her back. “I still think they would ignore you if you decided to live a normal life. They would get bored and go bother someone else.”

“But I can’t.” She looked up at him. “I don’t know how.”

“Just run away with me,” Austin said, cracking a smile.

She couldn’t quite tell if he was joking or not, but she decided to play it up as a joke and poked him in the side. “How would that help? You’re famous.”

He chuckled, but something told her he was disappointed with her answer. She ignored the shift in mood. She couldn’t think about Austin that way. She needed to do as he said. She needed to disappear from the tabloids.

“I’ve decided,” she finally said after a moment of silence between them.

“What did you decide?”

“I’m not getting on the plane.”

Austin slowly nodded. “I’m proud of you.”

“It’s scary, but I don’t want to go back to that. I want my own life.” Even if it meant giving up all the things she was used to, the Gucci bags and the Jimmy Choo’s. The price seemed too high right now.

“You can do it.” He squeezed her hand.

Dani’s heart swelled. Austin truly had been a massive blessing in her life. He was so encouraging. Her chest constricted as she thought about how much he’d done for her. She wouldn’t ever be able to pay him back.

But there was also this nagging feeling deep in her gut that told her he wasn’t just being nice. There was something he wanted from her. Was that the truth? Or was that her paranoia seeping in? She wished she could take all of his kindness at face value. But it was so hard to do after what Raphael had done to her.

She simply wasn’t ready to jump into another relationship.

* * *

Austin lookedup at the full moon. It was a quiet night. The resort hadn’t been as busy after the holiday weekend. Now, it was Wednesday evening and Austin was feeling the pressure. He was leaving tomorrow.