Austin sighed and set his glass down. He stared out at the waves. It was stupid not to admit he’d grown up with a stutter. She’d already heard him. Refusing to admit it wouldn’t make it go away. He met her gaze. “Yes, I have a stutter. It was much more pronounced when I was a child. Through speech therapy I was able to drop it most of the time.”

“It worked. You rarely stutter anymore.”

“Thanks.” He tipped his glass, but only one drop of Pepsi-flavored water hit his tongue. He set his glass down. “I was teased quite a bit in grade school for it. It’s a bit of a sore subject for me, so I apologize for making you feel like you upset me. You didn’t. It’s just not something I like to talk about.”

“No. Don’t apologize. It’s my fault for asking. I shouldn’t have.” Dani hugged her arms, drawing into herself.

A man walked to the railing on the deck above them and picked up a microphone. “Welcome to our day cruise, everyone! If you’ve read the itinerary, you know that we’re going to have some live music on this deck for the next hour. Feel free to show off your dance skills. Give it up for Disciples of the Beach!”

Austin joined in the smattering of applause from the crowd. A couple of guitar players and a man with a keyboard started playing music. A few of the couples stood and danced in the open space of the deck.

“Maybe we picked a bad place to chat,” he said.

“Then let’s not chat. Let’s dance.” Dani shot up out of her seat and grabbed his hand. “Come on.”

Austin wasn’t a dancer, but it was hard to say no to Dani, especially when he’d soured the mood just a moment before. She was happy, at least it looked like it, so he joined her on the dance floor.

The band was playing a lively rendition of an old ’80s song he’d heard on the radio but couldn’t quite remember the name. It was an easy song to dance to, and Austin let go of his inhibitions and let his body move. Dani grinned at him. “Look at you. I had no idea you could dance.”

He chuckled. “I can’t. I’m just having fun.”

“It looks like dancing to me. You’re pretty good.”

The conversation waned as they enjoyed the music and the light breeze. After two fast songs, a slow song started and couples came together. Feeling a bit emboldened by the way Dani complemented him on his dance moves, he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

It wasn’t the first time he’d held Dani, but in this setting it somehow felt more intimate. He took her hand and began swaying to the tune of “Right Here Waiting” by Richard Marx. The feel of Dani’s soft skin made his heart beat faster.

She peered up at him. “I should have known you were a football player.”


“You’re so buff.” Her mouth popped open and she stammered. “I mean…I guess…what I meant was…” Her neck turned red. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

He tried to hide a chuckle, but wasn’t sure he succeeded. “What?”

“Never mind.”

He could tell she embarrassed herself, so he just shook his head and pretended he hadn’t heard. “I’m not even sure what I should never mind.”

Dani smiled, her fingers resting on his shoulder. “Good.”

He breathed in the scent of her and it did funny things to his stomach. Why did he feel like he was a teenager again when he was close to Dani? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about her lips, and how they would feel against his? She’d made it clear she didn’t want a relationship with him. He needed to get those thoughts out of his mind.

Chapter 21

Austin closed his eyes, reveling in the sensations coursing through him. Tingles from touching Dani’s skin. Warmth from being so close to her. And another sensation he couldn’t quite put his finger on. It was one that made him kind of weak in the knees, and yet gave him energy. Maybe it was simply infatuation. He had a massive crush on Dani.

She was a good dancer. She followed his movements with grace and ease as he stepped in time with the music. The sway of the ship added to the euphoric feeling of dancing with her, giving him butterflies in his stomach.

How had he ended up at this place? It was strange. He was with someone he thought was a spoiled princess just a few days before, but now saw her as a completely different person. She was a lot stronger than he had thought. She had tenacity and spunk, and yet she’d shown how much of a kind-hearted person she was.

Even though he knew she wasn’t into him, he couldn’t help but like her. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. How had he fallen for Danica Jordan? He couldn’t like her. It wouldn’t ever work. She hated the limelight, and he was now smack-dab in the middle of it. Heck, he’d probably already stirred up rumors about them just having been photographed together at the resort. It wouldn’t take a detective to figure out they’d been sharing a room. Who was going to believe their relationship was platonic?

“I’m sorry about earlier,” Dani said suddenly, forcing him away from his thoughts. “I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.”

Guilt surged in him for making her feel like she shouldn’t have asked about his stutter. He didn’t mean to make her feel bad. “No, you were fine. I shouldn’t be so sensitive about it.”

Dani glanced out at the ocean. “You have a right to keep things private.”