“I don’t want to quit my job.”
“You can get a job in LA.”
“Or, I could keep my job here, and work until I have enough to go home on my own, like my father wants.”
He paused, his gaze traveling over her. “Where will you stay?”
She squared her shoulders. “I’ll find something.”
“Are you sure?”
No, she wasn’t. But what else could she do? Go crawling back to her father and beg for him to give her back her credit cards? She didn’t want to do that. She wanted to prove to him that she didn’t need his money. She swallowed down the doubt she was feeling and nodded. “Yes.”
He sighed. “Okay.”
Irritation rose in her. “What? You keep telling me I’m capable. Yet, you don’t seem to believe it. I really can do this on my own.”
“I believe you. It’s just expensive here. And I want you to be safe.”
“I’ll be fine.” She turned to face the water, effectively cutting off the conversation. Fine was probably not the word she would use to describe her situation, but what else could she do? She wasn’t going to use Austin’s money to get back home.
The ship began to move and everyone stood to wave at the people on the shore. Dani joined Austin at the railing beside their table. As the yacht turned, she stumbled a little into Austin’s side. He put his arm around her, steadying her. He didn’t say a word, but he didn’t have to. When she regained her balance, he removed his arm. The absence of it made her cold.
And of course there was a couple next to them, snuggling with each other. Sheesh. Dani tried to ignore them, but it was difficult with the woman giggling and tickling the man’s three-day stubble. He pulled her to him and kissed her on the lips.
She bit the inside of her cheek and wondered if she had been stupid to tell Austin she wasn’t ready to have a relationship right now. He was kind-hearted, and a complete gentleman. If she were being honest with herself, he was exactly the kind of man she could fall in love with. He was real. Everyone else in her life had been fake. Plastic.
Why had she closed that door between them? At this moment, she regretted it.
Chapter 20
The light smell of Dani’s shampoo, or whatever it was, wafted up and Austin had a hard time ignoring the warmth of her skin just centimeters away from him. He had steadied her, which was a mistake. Just the slight brush against her soft skin had sent his heart into overdrive. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stand next to her and not touch her.
Stupid. Why was he even thinking such things? He scooted over a few inches, hoping he wasn’t being obvious. Of course, that put him closer to the couple making out next to them. Gross. He tried to ignore the kissing noises, but it was almost impossible. And of course all he could now think about was kissing Dani. Geesh. He needed a hobby.
Someone bumped into him, causing him to grip the railing. How rude. Did the person not even see him standing there? He turned to see none other than Claire squeezing in beside him. She glanced at him, then smiled. “Austin! I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Something about the way she said it irked him. He didn’t believe her. What had she done, waited until they left the resort and then followed him and Dani to the docks? What was wrong with her?
He wanted to accuse her of following them, but decided it was best to just be polite and then get away from her. “Claire,” he said with a slight nod. “Nice to see you.” He shifted away from her, which, unfortunately, put him closer to Dani.
Claire put her hand on his arm. “Come here. I want to show you something.”
Before he could object, she was tugging him away from the railing. Dani turned and shot him a look, but he didn’t have time to interpret it before Claire dragged him around the corner. She continued to tug him down the deck until they came to the aft of the ship. She stopped, then turned to him. “Remember that night, when we snuck out and went to the super late show at the theater?”
“Remember how you were scared you’d get caught, so you climbed up the lattice on the side of your house, but it wasn’t that sturdy and you fell?” She laughed and snuggled up to him. She reeked of overpowering perfume and stale desperation.
This was the Claire he remembered from high school. The one that wouldn’t listen. The one that was pushy and obnoxious. He gritted his teeth and pulled away from her. “What was it you wanted to show me?”
“Oh, that. I just wanted to catch up. We didn’t get to the other night, with that girl in the way.” She batted her eyes at him. “I miss you.” She trailed a finger down his chest.
“Claire,” he said, trying not to make his voice sound strained. He was done being nice. He needed to be blunt now. “I’m with Dani.”
“No, you’re just friends,” Claire said, her eyes widening. “Right?”
Time for a white lie. He had to get Claire off his back. “I want to make it something more. I really like her.” Okay, maybe not so much of a lie. He did like Dani. And he would love to have something more going on with her.