Yes, he should have. But Dani was tired of thinking about it. All she knew was that trusting him would be a mistake, and this just further proved it. Not that she had much choice in staying with him over the weekend, since everything was booked solid. But after the holiday was over, she would find another room and slowly back away from Austin.

Chapter 17

Austin could tell Dani was upset with him, from the way she pinched her lips together to the way she was giving him sideways glances when she thought he wasn’t looking. He’d really messed up. But now that it was out in the open, he was sure she’d have to forgive him. He hadn’t meant to hurt her.

He parked the golf cart and Dani hopped out. She didn’t wait for him. Instead, she headed toward their room, her footsteps quick on the pavement. He rushed to catch up to her.

It wasn’t horribly late, but as soon as Dani entered their room, she grabbed her night things and locked herself into the bathroom. He sighed and sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote. Maybe she would cool down tomorrow and things wouldn’t be so strained.

He turned on the television and began flipping through the channels when he landed on a football game. A tug of emotion stirred in his heart. How long was he going to have to watch football instead of play it? It was hard, not being on the field right now. He missed the cheer of the crowds, and the smell of the grass. He watched as the clocked ticked down. This game was almost over. Maybe there was another one just starting. He clicked on the remote as Dani came out of the bathroom wearing her pajamas.

He must have pressed the wrong button on the remote because a picture of Dani in her housekeeping uniform flashed on the screen. She looked like she was in the middle of speaking, a strange expression on her face. He was too stunned to change the channel.

Dani’s mouth dropped as she saw the image. “What the…”

He came to his senses and tried to change the channel, but Dani grabbed the remote, her nostrils flaring. “Don’t.”

A man’s voice came from the television. “Danica Jordan’s downward spiral continues as she was recently spotted at one of the most exclusive resorts on Grand Cayman, not as a guest, but working as a housekeeper.” The camera cut to a man behind a desk, who turned to his co-host. “I guess rehab didn’t take.”

“It’s a shame, really. If she doesn’t get the help she needs, she can’t take the necessary steps to get clean.” The woman fiddled with a stack of papers.

The man smirked. “Clean. I see what you did there.”

She laughed. “Maybe scrubbing toilets will be just what Danica needs.”

“I’d pay good money to see that.”

The conversation turned to something else, and Dani tossed the remote back at him. She made a guttural noise and turned from him, putting her hand up to her head. Her shoulders rounded, pulling into herself.

He flicked the television off and jumped up from the couch, closing the space between them. He placed his hand on her shoulder. “Dani…”

She shrugged off his touch, then turned to him, her gaze fierce. It pinned him to the spot. “Did you get paid a lot for that photo? Or did you do it for some other reason?”

“What?” He took a step back, unable to understand. She thought he’d taken that photo?

“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” Her voice broke, and he could see tears forming in her eyes. She blinked them back.

He had no way to defend himself. He had no proof that he didn’t sell a picture of her. And, looking at it pragmatically, who else could it have been? But he hadn’t done it, and he wasn’t going to let her jump to conclusions. “I didn’t take that photo. I swear.”

“How can I believe you?” Her gaze penetrated his, her dark brown eyes almost pleading with him to prove it to her.

“Have you ever seen me taking photos of you? Have I ever once looked like I was going to film you? I know you don’t like cameras. I wouldn’t do that to you.” What could he say to make her believe him? He grabbed her arm and electricity from the touch shot through him. He let go.

“I don’t know how I can trust you,” she said, her voice cracking. “You lied to me.”

Her words sliced through him, and he staggered back. “I know. I’m sorry.” He wasn’t sure what else to say to make her believe him.

Tears fell down her cheeks. “And now everyone knows how low my life has sunk.” She dissolved into sobs.

He pulled her to him, unable to stand the sight of her crying. “It’s okay. It’s just a gossip channel. No one watches it anyway.” The feeling of her against him made his pulse quicken. He couldn’t deny it. He was immensely attracted to Dani, and holding her like that didn’t help one bit.

“Another lie,” she murmured into his chest.

He rubbed her back. He couldn’t think of anything else to do to comfort her. “No one that matters.”

Worried that she was going to pull away from him, he hugged her tighter, but instead of stepping back she melted into him. He let her cry until she had no more tears. He simply held her, hoping that would show her how much he cared.

He stroked her hair. It was soft, and smelled like cocoa butter. That same feeling of wanting to protect her rose in him. But what could he do?