
“How could you have done this again, Dani? I thought you’d learned your lesson. Where are you?”

Tears stung her eyes as she tried to blink them back. Why was it always her fault? Didn’t it even cross his mind that maybe someone had done this to her? Manipulated her until they got what they wanted? “It was Victoria,” she said, lamely trying to explain what happened.

“Where are you?” he repeated. He didn’t even care what happened. All he wanted to do was call and yell.

“Grand Cayman.”

He swore, and she flinched. “This is unacceptable, Danica Marie.”

Oh, no. He was wielding her middle name. So not good. “I’m sorry,” she said, resorting to begging him for mercy. “It won’t happen again.” She knew it wouldn’t because she was never going to trust anyone for the rest of her life.

“I’m tired of this. I don’t know what to do with you.”

She knew what he should do. Hide her away for a while. Her mind started reeling. Why was she packing up and leaving? She was in the best hideaway spot she knew. She could stay at the Billionaire Club until the story blew over, and people didn’t care about it anymore.

The more she thought, the better she liked the idea. “Maybe I need a vacation.”

“Your whole life has been a vacation.” He sounded like he was outside. The wind whistled against the microphone.

“What does that mean?”

“You need to learn to stand on your own two feet. I’ve coddled you.”

Coddled her? What was he talking about? He was never around. Maybe the nanny pampered her. But not him. “Please, I just need a week or two—”

“Danica,” he said, his voice firm. “You have to get yourself out of this mess. I’m not going to do this any longer. It’s time you learned how to handle life.”

This sounded bad. She shifted her weight, staring out the glass patio door. Maybe she could tug on his heartstrings. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” she whispered, knowing that always got him to soften up.

“No. You can’t worm your way out of this. I’ve made up my mind. You’re cut off.”

What did he mean, cut off? Like, from everything? Her panic heightened, and she couldn’t breathe again. “What?”

“You’re on your own. I’m canceling your credit cards. No more using my private jet. I’m done enabling you.”

Was he insane? Her skin tingled and she grew dizzy. He was taking everything away from her. She was stranded. “How will I get home?” Her voice sounded small to her own ears, like she was a cartoon character.

“You’re going to have to get a job.”

Breathe. She needed air. But no matter how much she tried to force it, no air would come into her lungs. She couldn’t even think straight. Tears sprang to her eyes. “Daddy, I—”

“I’m sorry. I have to go. I hope you know I’m doing this for your own good. I love you. Good-bye.” Her father hung up, and she stood there, listening to a dead phone.

Dani gasped as her world crumbled around her. No credit cards? No jet? And now she was stranded in a foreign country? How could her father do this to her?

Could this day get any worse?

* * *

Gripping the wrench,Austin eased himself down the step, feeling like a grandpa even though he was only twenty-seven. The weather was gorgeous, as it always was in the Cayman Islands in May. The stone path that led to the other side of the resort took him by the swimming pool and hot tub, and past the beautiful garden area.

A twinge shot through his knee, and he slowed. It was stupid, really. He was one of the highest-paid football players in the NFL. He really should be able to handle a couple of stairs. But during practice he’d zigged when he should have zagged and ended up on the wrong side of 300 pounds of muscle. He’d torn his meniscus. Badly.

Kay, the owner of the resort, came around the corner. Her red hair was pulled back into a bun, even though some strands wouldn’t be tamed and stuck out at crazy angles. She looked at him and tsked. “Austin, what are you doing? You’re supposed to be resting. Recovering. Why are you on this side of the resort?”

“303 has a small leak in the pipe under the sink. Mrs. Fleming was going to file a formal complaint, but I told her I’d fix it. It just needs a tiny bit of tightening, that’s all.” He gave Kay what he hoped was an innocent smile.