She shrugged her shoulders. “Probably more complicated than you want to know.”

Was that her way of saying she didn’t want to talk about it? He would take the hint, even though he wanted to press her for more information. “What do they call you on social media?”

Her shoulders slumped as she dropped her gaze. “Ditzy Danica. There are others. That’s the nice one.”

Ouch. He could tell it hurt her, even though she tried to say it nonchalantly. “That’s terrible.”

“Dad says it’s all part of the package. He thinks I should stop reading the posts.”

“He’s probably right.”

Dani pursed her lips but didn’t say anything. Their meals came to the table, and the smell was incredible. He’d ordered the rum-glazed shrimp on Dani’s recommendation, but her lasagna looked fantastic as well.

Dani stabbed her fork into her meal and had a bite in her mouth before he could even lift his napkin onto his lap. Then she frantically sucked in air as she fanned her face with her hands. “Ooh, hot, hot, hot,” she said, her mouth full.

“Careful.” As soon as the word was out of his mouth, he felt dumb. Why tell someone to be careful after they do something reckless? What was the point of that?

Dani picked up her water glass and took a drink. Then she shook her head. “Why did I do that? I knew it would be hot.”

He knew why she did it. “You’re starving.”

“I know. But I should have made sure it wouldn’t burn my mouth. And now you know why everyone on social media calls me ditzy.”

A sadness settled in his chest. She wasn’t ditzy. She hadn’t had anything to eat in the last twenty-four hours. She was impulsive, not stupid. He shook his head. “You’re not ditzy.”

Dani laughed. “Well, I sure have you fooled. Wait until you get to know me better, and you’ll change your mind.” She picked up her fork and blew on the second bite of her lasagna.

Austin wasn’t sure if Dani was joking, or if she really had that low of self-esteem. Either way, it wasn’t funny. And he was sure she was much more capable than she was giving herself credit for.

Chapter 6

Dani followed Austin up the sidewalk, then stopped when she saw the sign that said, “Sleep Inn.” Paint peeled off the sides and a gutter hung at a crazy angle, like it would fall at any second. How was this place still in business? She glanced at Austin, who had insisted on walking with her and carrying her suitcase. “Are you sure about this?”

He squinted, like he suddenly wasn’t sure at all. “Let’s go talk to them.”

Dani entered the door. A man sat on the other side of an enclosed desk, glass separating them. He spoke into a microphone. “How can I help you?”

She glanced up at a cobweb hanging down from the ceiling and balked. She couldn’t stay here. This was horrid. She could just imagine what kind of Jacuzzi tub a place like this would have in the room.

“How’s your security here?” Austin asked, his own doubt showing on his face.

“We have a strict non-interference policy. What you do is your business.”

“No,” Austin said, frowning. “I mean, do you have measures in place to keep people safe? Cameras in the hallways?”

“We lock the outside doors at midnight. You have to buzz the desk to get in.”

Austin turned to her. “I don’t know,” he said, his voice low. “I’m not sure this is the place for you.”

Dani didn’t like it either, but what choice did she have? At the moment, she was more worried about starving to death than anything. It wasn’t fun not eating all day today. She stepped up to the glass. “How’s your room service? Is the food good?”

The man let out a belching laugh. He didn’t answer her question, which she thought was quite rude.

A siren outside sounded, and a police car turned into the parking lot, red lights flashing. Austin shifted his weight, stepping a bit closer to Dani. “Are the police here a lot?”

The man behind the glass smirked. “It’s fifty bucks per night. Do you want a room or not?”

“I think we’ll pass.”