“Will you be okay?”

She lifted her chin and pushed her shoulders back. “I got a job. I’ll be fine.”

Tenacity. He liked that. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Heck, she grew up with a million silver spoons. He couldn’t imagine what she might be feeling right now, not having a penny to her name. “How will you pay for your hotel tonight?”

“I was hoping I could pay next week.” She bit her lower lip. “Do you think they would let me?”

He doubted it. Those kinds of places were probably used to getting paid upfront, so they didn’t get stiffed. But he didn’t want to crush her hopes. She didn’t look like she could handle any more bad news. “Maybe.”

“I’m good for it. They’ll know that, right?”

She was gazing at him with such sincerity that he couldn’t do anything but nod. She was so naive, but instead of it making him dislike her, an urge to protect her swelled in him. Strange. He didn’t even know her. But he found himself trying to think of ways he could sneak over to the budget hotel and pay for her first week so she didn’t have to sleep on the streets tonight.

“Thanks for helping me out today. I was sure Kay would find the mess and fire me on the spot.”

“It was nothing.” He watched her fiddle with her fingernails. She’d told him she had to get a whole row of rooms cleaned today. He doubted she made it, and he was insanely curious how the rest of the day had gone for her. But the last thing he wanted to do was make her more embarrassed about how she was performing on the job.

“You completely saved me.” Her eyelashes lowered. “No one has ever done anything like that for me before.”

He suddenly wanted her to succeed. To learn to be independent and not have to take handouts from her father. “Do you feel like everything else went okay?”

“I broke a nail.” She frowned. “And I was late getting all the rooms cleaned. And don’t tell Kay, but I didn’t have time to scrub all the showers. But I got the rest of it done. And I didn’t have any other major fiascos, so I’m calling it a win.”

Relieved for her, he smiled. “That’s great.”

“I hope she gives me something else to do tomorrow, because today’s work was so hard, I don’t know if I can face another day of it.”

Austin cringed. If she thought tomorrow would be any different, she was going to have a rude awakening. Maybe he could prepare her a little for it. “What else do you think Kay would have you do?”

Dani brightened. “I’m good at answering the phone.”

“I think she might have the receptionists do that.”

Her face fell. “Oh.”

How sheltered of a life had Dani lived? She really didn’t know what life was like. Not real life. He’d grown up without a father, his mother working two jobs just to keep a leaky roof over their heads. He knew how harsh life could be. Dani had no clue, and it almost made him sad to think she was soon going to lose that innocence. He decided to change the subject again. “How often have you stayed here?”

“I’ve been here over a dozen times. This is my favorite vacation spot. I love the ocean water, and there’s so much to do.” She brushed her hair over her shoulder. “Plus, it’s so secluded.”

“You like the seclusion?” The tabloids made Danica Jordan out to be a party girl. Wanting to be by herself didn’t fit the image he’d had in his head.

She took a sip of her water. “It’s better than being badgered by paparazzi.” She made a face. “Cameras and I don’t get along so well.”

Austin had gotten a taste of fame ever since he’d gotten picked up by the Los Angeles Demons. It was kind of annoying sometimes, but he didn’t mind it so much. The fans just wanted to know more about him and his life. But he had to admit, he hadn’t had fame for as long as Dani. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”

Her cheeks turned red. “Do you know what they call me on social media?”

“No. I’m not really into that stuff.” He had a Twitter account, but he only posted when he wanted to get his fans pumped up about a game or raising money for a charity. He didn’t use it daily.

“Be glad. It’s a cesspool of despair. Especially when you’re famous. You’re lucky. You don’t have people stalking your accounts.”

He did have people stalking his accounts. Guilt for not correcting her today wormed its way into his chest. He should come clean. Right now. It was another perfect opening. But before he could say anything, Dani continued. “I’m actually really glad you’re not famous. You’re the most down to earth person I’ve met, and believe me, I’ve met a ton of people. You are so honest and forthright. You say what’s on your mind. You know how rare that is in the circles I usually have to hang out in?”

Well, dang. He couldn’t confess now. Not after that. “Have to?”

“Well, yes. When you grow up in front of the camera, everyone knowing who you are, and having the famous father I have, you can’t really get away from it all. Endless parties and social events. Everyone wants you there. And my father…” Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. “It’s complicated.”

He sat back, assessing Dani. “How complicated?”