Page 95 of Heavy Shot

Kline Scott

Jill met Kline for coffee at one of the more popular Starbucks, where they had planned to start an afternoon of shopping.She was giddy when she arrived, chattering a mile a minute on her cell phone until she walked inside and saw him, then waved and hung up, hugging him warmly, wearing a huge grin. While they stood in line for their coffees, she burbled away about the beautiful weather, the prospect of a new house, and how wonderful her new life was.

Kline watched her with a mix of amusement and amazement, asking when he got the chance, "What's gotten into you?You're…happy."

"Oh, Kline," she sighed, "I’m figuring it all out! I’m getting my shit together! And, I had the best date I've ever had in my life last night.I mean, it was perfect. And then this morning there were roses and forget-me-nots and daisies--truckloads of them!I'm just—yeah, happy."

He cocked an eyebrow. "We had a date last night? Why don't I remember that?"

She gave a snort. "You'd remember. Trust me."

"Well, if it was the best date of your life--"

"My, when did you get so full of yourself?" she half teased, rolling her eyes. "I'm being very serious. I met someone wonderful and had the best night. Can we not make it about you, please?"

Kline frowned slightly, "What about us?"

"What about us?We're pretend, remember?You had your shot.I moved on."

"Cooold!You moved on to Gus," he shuddered."Wait--you broke up with Gus.Who'd you go out with?"

"Technically, I think August dumped me--"

"Blah blah blah.Who?"

Jill grinned."You're not going to believe this. Rhiannon introduced me to Thad James. He asked me out, so I went.I really didn't expect anything. It took us a while to actually meet up because of his kids’ schedules, but when we did–sparks! Immediate sparks. And while we were trying to meet up, we spent hours on facetime. It was like being a teenager again,” she laughed. “Or for the first time, actually, since I wasn’t a normal teenager. We just talked and talked for hours. I really didn't expect to have an immediate connection, but he was just insanely perfect. It was so comfortable!We had this picnic on the beach and he brought--"

"Thad?" Kline interrupted, eyebrows nearly into his hairline."You went out with Thad? Rhiannon hooked you up with him?He's married, Jill!"

"Shhh," she scowled at him as people looked up at them. Until then, their conversation had taken place with the two of them huddled and cuddled together in line, but Kline had just straightened and nearly shouted. They were at the register then, so he ordered for them while she smiled and hugged his waist. After picking up their drinks, they took a seat in a corner by the window where they could have some privacy, but still be visible.

"He's married," Kline hissed when he could.

"He's separated."

"That's still married."

"No, it isn't. The divorce is in the details, and it won't be long until it's finalized," she insisted, sipping her drink.

"You do realize this is his third marriage that's gone to hell, right?"

"Yes. I know all about it. He was very open and upfront about it all," Jill sighed, coming over all dreamy again. "We just talked for hours. I fell asleep on the phone talking to him! I woke up and he was snoring!"

"Jill?Earth to Jill.Snap out of it!Thad's not right for you.Don't do this to yourself because you'll only end up hurt. I know him. I know all three of his wives!"

She tilted her head slightly, "How do you know who's right for me? You barely know me anymore.I don't try to tell you who's right for you to date."

"I'm not dating anyone."

“Who's fault is that?"

He gaped at her. "Ouch."

"Well? It's certainly not my fault," she said, with a shrug. "And you don't always know what's best for me."

"I know him. I'm telling you it's a bad idea. He's been trying to get into Rhiannon's smalls since she started working there. What does that say for him?"

"About the same thing it says for you," Jill snapped, narrowing her eyes."Now stop it. I'm seeing him again tonight and I'm not going to let you ruin it."