Page 3 of Heavy Shot

"How's the hot new show runner working out?" They had joked that the show runner job on Simon Says was like the Defense Against Dark Arts job at Hogwarts. No one stayed for more than a year, and they usually left cursed.

Thad’s blue eyes widened, and he shook his head with disbelief. "Really well. She's got a lot of good ideas and she keeps telling me off. I like her a lot. She’s honestly really good. I was skeptical."

"I remember. Too young. Too inexperienced. Too fucking hot. A sure sign that the network just wanted a reason to cancel you. But if she's telling you off? I like her already. Is she single?"

"So single. I’d introduce you but,” he said looking around. “I don’t see her. Eh, she's around here somewhere. Lying in wait to pounce on some poor unsuspecting producer, no doubt."

"Rick could do with some pouncing on,” Kline said, naming another of their friends who had come up with them through Knock, but who had splintered off from acting into production. “Why don't you set her up with him?"

"Rick loathes set ups and sabotages them more often than not."

"Only if he knows it's a setup," Kline pointed out. "When's the last time you saw him, anyway?"

"We had dinner last week. He's just gotten back from the UK, actually. He's working on some deal for BBC America, and he had meetings over there to sort out the details for transferring rights or something," Thad said, with a shrug. "I'm sure he'll be calling you to try and get you to do some PR for it. It's to do with Knights. Is that why you’re here?"

"Yeah. I’ve got an interview taping here in a bit.Yeah, tell him to call me. I'll help him out, however. So how's Monique?"

“She's great. Somewhere in Milan, I think. She's doing a shoot for Dior. Or Gucci.Or something." Thad flapped his fingers.

"You don't know?"

"Don't know. Don't care."

"Well, that sounds promising. Things not going well?"

Thad shrugged. "Some fucked up shit has been going on. She said some shit to Carra about her weight, and we got into it. Not everyone’s born looking like an El Greco. Carra got on this insane diet–it’s already hard enough out here without having a living breathing model in the house telling her how to restrict calories.”

Kline smiled sympathetically. Thad was always under fire for weight himself. The likeable Aussie was tall and built like a redwood, but every beer showed up under his chin or hung over his belt five minutes after he was finished drinking it. And Thad could drink more beer than anyone Kline had ever seen. At twenty, the two of them had been the bane of their wardrobe department. One who had to battle like a gladiator to keep five pounds off, and Kline, who was double fisting carbs trying to put some weight on.

“Wait until she hits thirty,” Kline said, patting his own middle. “It all goes to hell for everyone. I’m on a diet.”

“You?” Thad’s guileless blue eyes widened.

“Yeah. Six pack was starting to look like a keg. It all goes straight here now.”

“Well, I have a feeling we’ll have at least two more marriages between us before she hits thirty,” Thad said with a sigh. “I hope they’re both hers, though.”

“Let’s see,” a voice said from behind. Kline turned to see an above average looking young woman in black jeans and a grey turtleneck walking toward them with pages in her hand. “She’s twenty-four, so that’s six years from now. If you divorce her before Christmas, you can probably get in at least three wives and six more kids before she hits thirty. Here are the changes to the laundry room scene.”

"Ouch. Ah, thanks, you're a star," Thad said laughing. “Hand delivered from on high?”

"You’re the star, baby," she replied, "and I'm still trying to figure that one out."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Thad grunted, then noticed Kline looking at him with raised eyebrows, "Oh, right, Rhiannon–show runner–this is my old friend, Kline."

"Hello," she said, offering a hand. "Rhiannon Charles."

"Kline Scott," he replied, shaking it. "Good to meet you."

"And you," she said, offering a genuine smile. "I enjoy your films."

"Gracias," Kline grinned, flashing the sparkling smile that made him a star. "Can't believe you're having to babysit this lout. How are you holding up?"

"He's easy enough," Rhiannon laughed.

"So his reputation is intact," Kline nodded. "That's good to know."

"Well, he has good PR reps."