Page 134 of Heavy Shot

“Yes,” she breathed, then said again firmly, “Yes! Yes!” And she held out her hand, watching as he slid the ring onto her finger.

Kline Scott

Kline sat with Roland at his kitchen island, flipping through pages in a magazine. French doors were open wide, and a sweet-scented breeze wafted through the massive kitchen overlooking the southern half of the Santa Barbara vineyard he was recently calling home. “I can’t believe they paid us for this,” he said, looking down at the headline. “Devil’s Family.”

“After a whirlwind romance on the set of their blockbuster film, Devil’s Party, Oscar winner, Kline Scott and Tony winner Jill Parker welcomed a son together. Though the couple are no longer romantically involved, (Parker is currently romancing lucky Simon Says star, Thad James) they plan to co-parent. Rounding out the unusual family unit are Rhiannon Charles, Scott’s former flame, and August Hall who was previously linked to Parker, as godparents to the new baby.

“I’ve loved Kline my whole life,” Parker told People in an exclusive interview. “And I feel so fortunate that I get to share our son with him. It’s not your typical arrangement, but I feel so blessed to be on this journey with someone who is truly one of my best friends. We don’t have to be together romantically to raise our son with love and devotion. Kline’s an amazing father to Jack (Scott’s son from his first marriage) and he’ll be an amazing father to Parker.”

The baby boy, named Parker Davis Scott, arrived just in time to help his parents celebrate the box office success of Devil’s Party, which enjoyed a record-breaking first weekend and steamed up the movie screens at number one for two months.

Kline Scott said, “Parker’s the perfect souvenir from our time on this film. I’m so proud of the work Jilly and I did, and very proud of us as people and parents to this wonderful little guy. However we do this awards season, I feel like I’ve won the biggest honor already.”

Older pictures of Kline and Jill with Jack from Disneyland were inset on the exclusive photos of them holding the new baby together. More gushy drivel filled the space around four other exclusive photos on two more pages, and Kline scanned them, before pushing the magazine aside. “Well, that’s his college paid for anyway,” he said.

“And then some! Hell,” Roland laughed. “That commission is my kid’s college paid for.”

“Glad to know you’re overpaid,” Kline grunted, waving Jill and Thad and the stroller they pushed inside through a pair of doors. “Let’s talk about my next project. Diapers aren’t cheap.”

“Your next job is to win back-to-back awards for Knight and Lone Star.”

“And then for Devil’s Party,” Jill said, kissing him on the cheek when he moved to give her a hug.

“And then I’ll be tied with Hanks. What are the odds I can pull out four in a row?”

“Honestly? If anyone can, it’s you.”

Roland laughed, “You’ve got the work ethic for it.”

Kline was lifting the baby from stroller, after greeting Thad, who had gone to help himself to the fridge when Clara, Kim, and Delia arrived from another direction. Jack was riding piggyback on Delia, and he gave a happy shout when he saw his little brother. “Parkour! Parkour!”

“I told you,” Thad said over his shoulder.

“Someone was going to make fun of his name no matter what we called him,” Jill huffed. “Parker is a fine name.”

“And Parkour is a fine nickname. Isn’t it?” Kline gave the baby’s cheeks loud, smacking kisses. “It sounds athletic.”

“It sounds like–”

“Your name is Thaddaeus,” Kline reminded. “You have a child named Carraway.”

“It’s a family name!”

“So is Parker!” Jill was laughing. “Or have you forgotten?”

“I’m working on changing that. Or have you forgotten?”

Roland interrupted the good-natured ribbing. “No one’s forgotten anything. We’re just trying to line it all up for maximum press potential. Anyway, a long engagement’s not going to hurt your reputation one bit.”

Kline looked around smiling. It wasn’t your typical arrangement. It looked nothing like a normal family, and that was something a judge was about to take a long, hard look at in the next few weeks as his long-dragged-out custody case with Nina came to a close, but he had a good feeling about it.

Jack had monkeyed himself over to Thad’s broad shoulders and was already talking his ear off about a video game. Jill and Clara were crowded around Kim’s laptop, talking about how the stylist was going to create a Scott-Parker-James branded look for the set of them. Delia was setting out lunch for Jack. Roland had answered a phone call and was waving them all off as he walked into the next room for quiet. It wasn’t an average family, but it was his family, and in that moment, he realized it was the happiest he’d ever been, living what amounted to a sitcom life.

“You,” he said to the baby in his arms, “are one lucky little devil.”

He realized Jill was smiling over her shoulder at him, and his stomach flipped, but this time it was because he couldn’t believe his own luck.

The End