Page 128 of Heavy Shot

“Kline, he dumped me via voice mail. Regardless of what all went down between Rhiannon and him, he dumped me by voice mail, and then he didn’t return my calls when I wanted to explain. I really liked him, but that’s not going to work for me.”

“What about Rhiannon? She’s your friend.”

“Yeah, I’m sure she wants to talk to me after I took her head off over a gossip story that wasn’t even true. Pot calling the kettle black and all. Anyway, I wasn’t a great friend to her when I was in New York with you. I can admit that. She’s so close with Thad that I think it’s just better to just leave it alone. He’s her friend and her coworker. I need to just let it be.”

They rode in silence for a little bit and then Kline scooted sideways to wrap an arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head when she leaned into him. They were friends, he thought. Actual, real friends. Somehow, in the past several months, she’d become one of his best friends. There were worse things than having a baby with a friend.

“You know, we could buy a bigger place,” he mused aloud. “Like a split property. We could live on it together and still have separate lives.”

“Your house is already that big,” Jill teased him. “It’s just not baby-proofed at all.”

“Well, let’s look for something? It can’t hurt to look. And Roland will love it if we get papped looking at homes together.”

“I just moved into my house! I don’t want to move again! I’m right down the street from you anyway. When,” she lowered her voice, “when the baby gets here, I’ll give you a key and you can come and go as you please.”


“Eventually you’re going to start dating someone again. I really don’t want to walk out into my backyard and find you nailing some girl over the diving board when I just want to tan.”

He considered that a moment, then shrugged and chuckled. “Fair enough. But how about for now? For tonight? You are looking very nice in that dress. I could help you out of it later.”

“Is there such a thing as an anti-roofie? Can I slip it in your drink? What happened to Jerri?”

“She got a job on the Brad Pitt thriller. I think she’s sleeping with him now,” he nuzzled her neck, smiling when she let him and even tilted her head a little. He kissed her ear. “We want to hit the carpet looking loved up, right? So, let’s make out a little?”

That was how they had tumbled out of the limo, laughing and mussed, to walk up the red carpet looking like the happiest couple in the world. At each press station, they repeated their answers. He was in Tom Ford, hair and glow by Jill. She was in vintage Halston, wearing Cartier jewels and was delighted to be the new face of the brand. They were both so happy to have finished Devil’s Party and so proud of the work, and Jill was thrilled to be there for what she was sure would be Kline’s big win for Knight.

Their table was up close to the stage, where they sat with other Knight attendees. Kara Viceroy was there with her date, some no-name from some tech company, and the director and screenwriter and their dates. He and Jill separated to work the room, and he found himself over with the cast of Simon Says, hugging Thad and Rhiannon in turn. “How’s it going, movie star?” he asked Thad.

“Fuck off! I’m never doing that again. Sitcoms for me only.”

“That bad?”

Rick appeared from out of the crowd and said, “Everyone was joking that the movie was cursed, only I don’t think it was a joke.”

“We were filming over an ancient burial ground,” Rhiannon said seriously, making him laugh.

“Jill here with you?” Thad asked, eyes scanning the crowd.

“Yeah. I think she’s over talking to Chenowith.”

Without another word, the tall Aussie walked away, and Kline said to Rhiannon, “She’s embarrassed. She feels terrible about the whole you-and-Thad picture thing.”

“I think we’ve all got plenty of embarrassment to go around,” Rhiannon sighed as Rick slid an arm around her waist. “Plenty. I just don’t want it to ruin our friendship.”

“If it’s an actual friendship, it won’t,” Rick said.

“She’s had a lot going on,” Kline said. “The end of the shoot came with some surprises that have pretty much taken up all the space in her world, you know?”

“Is she okay?” Rhiannon asked.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve been there for her. Oh, don’t look so shocked. Now and then I can do something for someone else. I can be a good friend.”

“He can,” Rick said with a weary sigh. “But it’ll cost you. You have to keep that ego fed.”

“What can I say? Big talent, big ego.” Kline grinned at both of them. “What’s your next move, Big Man?”

“Development deal with the Beeb to turn the Dove of Dreams book series into a serial drama. I’ll probably be here a few more weeks, until that’s done, then I’m back off. I’m trying to convince this one to come with me if I do.” He gave Rhiannon a squeeze and she smiled like a teenager in love.