Page 118 of Heavy Shot

“Yeah. No, yeah, you’re right. I’ll focus on the work. Maybe I’ll make a five-year plan.”

“Even better.”

Thunder boomed and rain poured that night to match Thad’s mood when she passed him in the hall on Sunday, and Rhiannon found herself wishing she was anywhere else. Where else would she be, though? She spent the early hours of the morning trying to call anyone who might confirm that Jill was still Parker and not Parker-Scott, but it seemed like everyone was on hiatus and halfway across the world reading the same tabloids and wondering. August just hung up on her when she got him.

Rhiannon felt bad for Thad, but she refused to believe that Jill willingly did something so stupid as to marry Kline. Even for a publicity stunt.

Rick rang her hotel room phone and let her know that all the assembled, stranded crew was going to go down to the corner pub for lunch. He had bought the place out for the day, all drinks and pub food on his tab. “I’m a great producer,” he bragged when she laughed. “Besides, the Emmy nominations are coming out and I think you’ll be getting a phone call. Let’s all be in one place, so we can celebrate”

The calls came before they could make it past the lobby. Simon Says was up for Outstanding Comedy Series, with both Thad and Kelsey getting nods for leading roles, and Rhiannon had scored a nomination for writing on a comedy series. It was the first bit of good news they’d had since arriving in Prague, and she felt lighter than air until she processed Thad trying to enjoy his nomination in spite of his heartbreak.

She pushed that aside. Kline and his PR machine had already stolen too much joy from her life, and she was not going to miss out on this moment because of him. She gave Thad a shove and said as much.

She, Thad, and Rick walked down together, huddled close under their umbrellas. “This is bullshit,” Thad grimaced. “I’m an Emmy-nominated actor and I’m growing webs between my toes.”

"When this is done, no more Prague," Rick growled, laughing.

"This weather is worse than England, mate," Thad said, slipping an arm around Rhiannon, "Poor Rhi looks like a drowned rat."

“An Emmy-nominated drowned rat,” she corrected.

They hurried down to the corner, happy to find that most of the cast and crew were already packed inside, along with a smattering of locals the cast and crew had picked up along the way. The place was already loud with laughter and drunken merriment, and they had to swim through the moving tide to get to the bar. Thad repeated his drink preference to the bartender and soon the three of them were cradling steins of beer. "Oh good, the last thing dry on me was my throat!" Rhiannon said, taking a sip.

"Yep, definitely damp," Thad said, patting her rear.

She cocked an eyebrow at him over the rim of her glass as she took another drink, "You're awfully bold for someone who said I looked like a drowned rat."

"I've got bollocks of steel dear lady," He grinned. "Or glass. Whichever."

"Right. Be careful where you put your hands, or we might just find out which it is."

He chuckled and patted her back as Rick looked on with a slight frown, glancing away when he caught Thad looking. "You two?”

Rhiannon rolled her eyes to glance at Rick, then put her nearly empty glass on the bar. "Not while I’m working for him. I'm going to the ladies and then I'm going to see if there's any music to be had in this place," she said to Thad. "Order me another one, will you?"

She used the tiny toilet and washed her hands. There were worse places to be than with people you actually liked, she decided. And she did really like Rick, and she adored Thad. She walked back into the pub to find the two of them stood sipping their drinks at the bar and laughing together, Thad’s head popping up when music erupted from the corner of the room where an old jukebox had been tucked away. 'Stuck in the Middle' by Steeler's Wheel began thrumming through the not quite as ancient speaker system and Rhiannon soon grooved back up to the bar, a huge grin on her face. "I love this song! The whole juke is full of 70's music!"

"Ooh, 70s!" Thad crowed. "Great music!" He wriggled around in his seat.

Rick rolled his eyes and looked the other way. So Thad spooned up behind him and shimmied. "Cut it out, you big oaf!" Rick laughed. "Go dance with someone who fancies you."

"Fine, I will!" Thad sassed, sticking out his tongue before grabbing Rhiannon's hand and nearly pulling her off her stool. "C'mon, baby, let's dance!"

She went along without a complaint, laughing merrily as they made their way to a clear space in the floor near the jukebox and soon they were moving together to the disco backbeat from the speakers.

Some of the assembled crew started snapping pictures, and as soon as they did, Thad grabbed Rhiannon, dipped her back and kissed her dramatically before pulling her back up and spinning her out. "Love it, baby! Work it!"

She was laughing, slightly tipsy and enjoying herself for the first time in weeks, and she kept pace with him with little effort. All of the showing off that Kline had done on their first two dates faded in comparison to the natural responsiveness that Thad was capable of. He was a hell of a dancer. There was a grace, an awareness of the body and how it moves that couldn't be taught by even the best instructor. Rhiannon was dizzy when they finally stopped. "Wow, you're good!" she said, sweeping her hair back from her face. "That was fun!"

"Dancing. The vertical expression of a horizontal desire," he grinned. "You think I'm good on the floor you should have me in the--"

"Oh no I shouldn't."

"Rhiannon! I'm crushed," he exclaimed, looking wounded.

"No, you're not. You're just persistent."

Rick was smiling, watching them."You are a great dancer, Rhi.Got good rhythm."