Page 113 of Heavy Shot

As he thought that, a lighting guy came and got to work, and Jill’s stand-in sat in Jill’s spot until she arrived a few minutes later. After the same instruction, Kline had gotten, the same PA took off with Jill’s robe, and she hurried into the bed, one hand over her bare breasts. “Hi,” she breathed at him, shivering.

"Hi. You look gorgeous." She did. Chronologically, this was the first of the two big sex scenes, when her character was still flush with love, and the makeup team had lit up her face and skin with soft pinks and golds, with her hair in rivers of soft waves.

They would shoot the scene leading into the bed later, likely with body doubles for the closeup ass shots, but this was all them. “Ready to sell it?” he asked.

She laughed, “No, but I’m ready to get paid for it, so that’s the same thing, I guess."

He laughed too and whispered away from the boom mic in case it was hot, “If I get hard, I’m sorry. If I don’t get hard, I’m sorry. It’s not you. It’s the room temp.”

“Just don’t get me dirty.”

“Fuck, if it gets that far, Mitch hasn’t called cut fast enough. You know how to get out of here when they release us?”

“PA comes back with my robe? That’s what the intimacy coordinator said.”

“Yeah. They’ll come for you first and get you out as fast as they can,” he repeated what the director had already told them. “And then me. Then dinner?”

“Can we see how weird it gets first?”

“You mean you might need a little alone time?” He wagged his eyebrows and she laughed again.

“Sure. I might need some alone time.”

“Yeah, we’ll play it by ear.”

A member of the makeup crew came and blotted Jill and powdered Kline, their director walked up to offer last-minute instructions and give a little pep talk, then it was lights, camera, action.

For this take, they started sitting upright, Jill straddling Kline’s lap. He needed to run his hand up her back and into her hair, then cradle her body in both arms while he kissed her, and roll her under him. It was harder than it sounded, and even though they had worked with the choreographer, now that they were nearly naked, it was different.

It was the first time he’d had his hands on her skin since that junket in New York.

On action, he started with the kiss. She melted forward against him like she was supposed to, and he worked his hand up her back into her hair. An AD stood just off camera doing a count, and when it came time for the turn, he wrapped his other arm around her waist.

To accomplish the move, he had to lean back, engaging his core, while she leaned forward and to the right, giving the camera her left side, so that Kline could roll up on his left shoulder to press her beneath him, still engaged in the kiss. It didn’t go well.

Jill burst out laughing as Kline grunted, stuck partway in the roll. “No one does it like this,” she said to him, patting his head. At least he wasn’t hard, he thought. For a second there, he thought he was going to be.

They reset and got it right on that take. Two more in the can, and then a reset for different angles, and a handful more for insurance. Kline lost count as both he and Jill warmed up to the work. Between powdering, blotting, and hair brushing at every reset, nearly all the sexiness was sucked right out of their clenches, but they got through the morning without incident.

When they broke for lunch, Jill went to her trailer alone, and Kline went to his, where he briefly considered jerking off in the shower, but didn’t because that would mean another full hour in makeup. Instead, he drank a protein shake and took a nap until he was called back to set.

That time, Jill was already on her mark. This would be the long shots of them making love and meant the makeup team was even powdering the bottoms of his feet. They would kiss while he mimed fucking her, then he would kiss down her throat while she arched up into him. She would wrap her legs around his waist and fake an orgasm, then he would, then they would collapse together in afterglow.

Five takes, Kline counted. And this time, the friction and the touching, and the scent of her skin, and how she knew just where to kiss him meant a raging boner. He was sucking air between his teeth and letting it hiss out between takes, sitting with his knees up to his chest under the sheet to hide it. Every time, just as the blood flow started to recirculate in his body, he was back on top of her, rubbing his cock against her G-string, fighting every urge to just reach down and make fantasy reality.

It seemed to be getting to her, too. She was keeping it cool, but the last take they did, when she faked the orgasm, it came with a little something extra and he silently congratulated himself on a job well done.

A PA came for Jill, who went arms first into her robe, and scuttled away from the set, and then Kline’s came. Both of the PAs did their best to shield the actors’ bodies from view between bed and robe, and Kline thanked his quietly as they walked to his trailer. They had one more shot for the day, this one the afterglow pillow talk, with their bodies mostly under cover, so Kline had his shower and wank, then returned to the makeup chair to get his nipples bronzed one more time.

Again, Jill was on set before him. They were arranging her blonde hair against the navy blue pillows and making sure her lighting was right so Kline waited a moment before taking his mark, this time getting to wear flesh-toned bike shorts. Flicking the covers back enough to get in, he grinned at Jill’s granny pants and pasties. “Killer,” he growled playfully.

“Yeah, loving those,” she pointed at his shorts.

“I feel like a Ken doll.”

“You look like a Ken doll! Those abs! My god!”

“Literally painted on.” It was the most they’d talked all day.