Page 103 of Heavy Shot

Kline stopped and faced Thad. "Look…I didn't want to say anything because she and I aren't exclusive at all, but it's not all for the photogs, man. Otherwise, we'd spend all our time in public. As it is, she spent the day at my place on Sunday.Not a camera in sight. I'm not going to try to get in your way, but you should know that Jill and I are actually close."

Thad cocked an eyebrow in surprise. "Really?"


"Hm. All day Sunday?"

"Yeah," Kline nodded, "There's still a spark there, you know? Sorry, mate."

Thad hummed again. "She really must be more talented than I thought."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, not every woman can be in two places at once."


Thad shook his head. "No worries, luv.Go hop to your photo op and enjoy the spark."

Kline's brow furrowed with obvious confusion, but he didn't question it further. "Right. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Sure," Thad replied, with a nod as he turned away laughing.

“Fucker,” Kline muttered under his breath, heading for his car. It was true they spent a lot of time at his place without any cameras around. Jill and Jack had gotten to be great friends and when he was around, she always made sure the press got at least one photo of the three of them together near the house. She seemed to take that part of their PR relationship more seriously than any of the rest of it.

When he picked her up for dinner, she was waiting on her patio looking like a postcard. He couldn’t help smiling at her shapely vintage sundress and burgeoning tan, "Look who's going LA," he said. "But you better hope your tan lines don't show when we start filming."

"I don't have any," she said coyly, "that's the joy of a backyard pool."

"Just be careful that no one's watching."

"No one knows where I live yet, and I'll have moved before they figure it out," she said, cheerily.

They drove off to dinner, her chirping away happily as they went. She'd been looking at houses most of the day, but she'd also been shopping earlier. She filled Kline in on every little nuance, animated and obviously in a wonderful mood. After a moment she took a deep breath, let it out and beamed, "I can't remember when I've felt so good. And I'm so disappointed! I wanted to hate LA!"

"Why? I'm here. What more do you need?"

Jill laughed. "A lot more, darling. It's wonderful that you're here, but I can't build a life around it."

"You could," he said, seriously.

She laughed again. "Mm. Some life that would be."

"Uh! I'm crushed. You don't think we could have a good life together out here?"

"We're not together, Kline. We're friends. That's it. Anyway, I want a great life, not just a good one."

"You were open to possibilities in New York," he reminded.

"I was also out of my mind with upset," she snorted. "And still not quite over the shock of running into you. And--well, you still make my stomach flip."She said the last quietly with a little smile."There's definitely a physical attraction.Probably always will be."

"That's as good a starting point as any, don't you think?" he said, his voice taking on a purr.

She chuckled again, "For having sex it's a good start. For having a relationship? Kline, you'd be bored of me inside a month, and you know it. You were bored with me back in the day. You’re only interested right now because I’m not panting at your feet."

He shook his head. "No. Not true. That was never the case," he insisted. "I was afraid of you and how I felt about you. Boredom was never an issue."

"Yes, because I'm so scary. Grr!Are you afraid of feelings now?"