Page 100 of Heavy Shot

"I don't know," Jill said after thinking for a moment."Well, I did just invite you over for dinner, so I don't know what kind of timeline you had planned.I didn't know if you'd even be available to stay.Or want to."

"There is absolutely no way for me to respond to that without not being a gentleman," Thad chuckled, echoing her words from earlier."If I say that I made certain I was free for however long 'dinner' took, does that sound presumptuous?"

"Yes," Jill laughed."It does.But then I put fresh sheets on the bed, so there you go."

"Prepared for anything. I like that in a woman," he said, kissing the top of her head. "You needn't worry about me doing a runner on you. I'd be a fool to want to make a fast getaway."

“Kline was really upset when I told him that I was seeing you. He seemed to think you'd break my heart or something. I guess I thought doing 'a runner' might be the usual or something."

Thad was quiet for a moment. "I'm not that kind of man, Jill," he said seriously. "I could say a few things about Kline, but he's my friend so I won't. Not that it would be any news to you. You know what he's like." He sighed. "I have no intention of breaking your heart. In fact, I think I can honestly say you're going to have trouble getting rid of me."

"Really?" she said, surprise and a smile in her voice.

"Really. Don't sound so surprised."

She sighed."I wish I weren't.You know, my husband and I didn't live together.Long story, but he didn't stay the night much and didn't like it when I stayed at his place.He thought the secret to a lasting marriage was his and her condos.Apparently, you're pretty familiar with my history with Kline, so you can imagine how that went.My only other experience has been with someone who fell immediately asleep and snored solid for at least six hours.You're a very nice surprise."

Thad chuckled. "You have no idea, Beauty," he said, shifting slightly to roll her over in one easy motion. "I'm full of surprises."

When Thad left in the mid-afternoon Sunday, Jill phoned Rhiannon again, this time from where she was floating around her swimming pool. Rhiannon answered and Jill sang a hello at her, "I owe you big time," she grinned, "name what you want, and I'll get it for you."

"Things going that well with Thad?" Rhi asked.

"Better. The best!"

Rhiannon laughed. "Good. I'm really happy for you!"

"Oh, Rhi…he is really fantastic." She lowered her voice conspiratorially, "I slept with him."

"Just now?!" Rhiannon cried. "How was he? I have to admit, I've always been curious."

"He's like a monsoon.He's a tidal wave.A tsunami.He's a force of nature.There just aren't words to describe him.I mean, he's gentle and rough, and demanding and attentive, and forceful and considerate.He's just," Jill laughed, "Okay, he's what every romance novelist has tried to write as the perfect lover.He even spent the whole night."

"Wow. Now I am duly impressed. I may have to stop picking on him."

"Don't do that.He loves being picked on.We actually talked a lot about you at dinner.He credits you with saving the show and his career.Said you were one of his best friends.He's very excited about working with you on the indie.Oh, how'd things go with Rick?"

"They, uh, didn't," Rhiannon said, clearing her throat. "So, Thad really said all those things about me? Job security is a wonderful thing."

"What happened?" Jill asked, suddenly alert.

"Nothing. He asked me to dinner and I accepted, but then I thought better of it and called it off. So, nothing happened."

"Because of work?"

"You know me too well."

"Do you want Thad back?"


"Well, I mean, I wouldn't give him back, but I thought I'd offer."

"You really are strange, you know that? We aren't twelve, Jill. Besides, I gave him to you."

Jill laughed. "You love me because I'm strange. And you still work with him, so you wouldn't put him to proper use anyway. Is it possible to be in love with someone this soon? After just a handful of dates and phone calls? No. It is not. Forget I said that. He's a very nice boy." Rhiannon was laughing so Jill went on, "I'd better go put on some clothes. Kline's coming over with Roland and I'm floating around my pool in a serious stage of undress."

"Oh. Kline's very good at that," Rhiannon said, with a trace of snark. "Have fun. Just stay away from the diving board."