He started to wave at the girls at the gate and realized Jill was waving too. He laughed. "Attention hog."
"Famewhore," she grinned back.
"It's a living," he sighed, stretching his arms back and folding his hands behind his head.
"Thank god," Jill agreed, turning at the end of the street and heading towards the city.
He gave directions to Kato's and Jill got them there in one piece even if she was a bad driver. Kline peeled himself off the seat with a grim smile. "I'm driving home," he said.
"No, you're not. I'm just getting used to my new car."
"There's a reason you've been driven everywhere up until now," he said, with mock seriousness. "You're a terrible driver."
"I'm a terrible driver because I've always been driven everywhere. You know this is my first car?”
"I didn't even know you had a driver’s license. How the hell did you pass the test?"
"I didn't take one. I think they just gave me the license."
"I believe it!"
They were ushered into the restaurant and given a prime table to see and be seen. Once they had settled in with drinks, Kline reached across the table and took Jill's hand. "So here we are at last."
"Yes, being forced to have lunch by Roland."
Kline said, giving her hand a squeeze. "Really, though, is it such an ordeal?"
"I'm kind of still mad at you.I keep thinking about how you told Rhiannon I tried to seduce you and I was all aggressive!"
"You did climb on my lap in the limo."
"Please.If I was going to seduce you, you'd get more than a lap scooch in the backseat of a car."
"I did get more than a lap scooch at the club and at the hotel," he said, giving her a wink.
"But you started it and then you turned it all down. Don't try to blame it on me."
"I'm sorry. Really. For all of it. I was faced with an uncomfortable situation with her, and I said the first thing that came to mind to get out of it."
Jill raised an eyebrow."Oh, come on, would it be so hard to believe?" he asked. "Admit it.You want me."
"Stuffed and mounted on my wall."
“However you like it, baby."
Jill rolled her eyes, "So is that your apology for making me look like a back stabbing, desperate tramp?"
Kline straightened slightly. "I wouldn't go that far. I downplayed it as much as possible." He shrugged. "I didn't even think she believed me, but we just stopped talking about it after that. I am sorry. I’ve already apologized twenty times and she’s out of the picture now anyway."
Jill softened then. "I know. I'm sorry.Am I sorry?"
Kline frowned slightly and shook his head. "It never would have worked. She couldn't deal with the publicity and what's required of me. It's just as well."
"Well, I am sorry. More for her. I’ve been dumped by Kline Scott before. It messes you up.”
"And I’ve been dumped by Jilly Parker. Multiple times. It’s just as much fuckery," he said, turning as the waiter appeared beside him. He ordered a lemon chicken salad for Jill and a Niçoise for himself. "You'll love it. Trust me," he said, after the waiter had gone.She smiled and sat through a spell of silence then said, "So, love scenes. I guess I'll be scooching around on your lap again. Are you mature enough to handle it?"
"It's a dirty job, baby, but I think I can deal with it. I'm a professional."