Page 132 of Heavy Shot

Jill said haltingly, “That a chef is fantastic?”

“That I’ve gotten someone pregnant.”

She felt her mouth drop open. “What? No!” She’d dressed so carefully in flared jeans and an off-the-shoulder peasant blouse that Kim and all the pictures they took of every outfit assured her that her just-noticeable bump was well hidden. She’d avoided the nursery area on their tour, and she’d even pretended to sip at her wine so he wouldn’t suspect.

“I have six kids. Six. Am I having seven? Or eight? I make twins, apparently. I know what pregnant looks like.”

“I–” she faltered. “I’m not–”

“Aren’t you? The glow? The appetite? The–sorry to say, but I certainly couldn’t help but notice–the boobs?”

That made her laugh, and then she sat back into her chair and sighed. “It’s not yours. You didn’t get me pregnant. Closure with Kline got me pregnant. And please don’t say anything. I’m still not sure I’m past the safety point with the baby, so I’m not telling anyone who doesn’t need to know.”

“Kline?” His face was doing something confusing.

“Yes. I’m positive. It was– It’s not the ideal situation, but we’re friends and he’s okay with it, and I’m actually very happy about it. I’ve always wanted kids, you know? And maybe this isn’t how I thought I’d have one, but there are worse things than getting knocked up by someone you like, and someone you know is a good parent to his other child.” She was talking fast. “I haven’t even told Rhiannon. I’m not sure how I’m going to tell Rhiannon. August doesn’t know. Only Kline and my management. And my stylist. And my chef. Oh, and I guess the doctor. And now you. Just people I trust.”

Thad had gone still, and Jill’s heart started pounding in her ears. It was suddenly very important that he know she hadn’t chosen Kline over him. “Thad,” she said, leaning forward and grabbing one of his hands in both of hers. “Thad, it was after the voicemail. I swear. I didn’t have any plans to see anyone but maybe you when you got home, and if the voicemail hadn’t happened, neither would Kline. I swear. You never called back even after the press cleared it all up and I’d talked to Rhi. I found out before we got it all worked out, and…” Her voice trailed off. “I just hoped we could be friends at least. I really enjoyed your company so much, and I just hoped…does this change things?”

She hadn’t planned on this conversation. She’d just wanted to see him. She had missed him and his happy presence, and now she was stricken by the thought that this might be more than he would be up to. She swallowed hard and slowly withdrew her hands back into her lap, the lizard part of her brain wondering if he was going to finish the half of the breadstick he’d put down and never picked back up.

“I think,” he started to say, pulling his own hands into his lap. “You know, this is the first time someone’s told me that I didn’t knock them up. When I got over here and I saw you, sorry Beauty, I knew as soon as I saw you. I thought you were gearing up to tell me. I was gearing up to be ready to do the right thing.”

“What’s that mean?”

“Propose. Make an honest woman of you.”

Jill frowned, heat creeping into her face. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Kline. I don’t want someone to marry me because they feel like they have to, and I’m not marrying someone just because my birth control failed.” She crossed her arms. “I’m not some broke teenager who can’t afford a baby. I’m plenty well-positioned to give this baby a very good life completely by myself.”

“I didn’t mean to insult you! I mean, I wasn’t going to be upset if it was me. This whole time we’ve been sitting here, I’ve been thinking what it would be like. I’ve been picturing it.”

“Well, you don’t have to. It isn’t yours.” She was worried she might cry, so she snatched up his breadstick and stuffed a quarter of it into her mouth. God, it was good.

Half his mouth quirked up. “I’m kind of sad it’s not. I wouldn’t mind being stuck with you. Fuck Kline’s luck.”

Jill chewed and swallowed, then stuffed the rest of the bread in her mouth to keep from speaking, so he went on, reaching over for her glass of wine and taking a deep drink of it. “On the way here, I was trying to figure out how to ask if you wanted to start things up again. Date. See each other. See where it went because I really think it was headed in the right direction before Prague drowned my brain. I’ve had time to sort myself out now and I wanted to take you out properly.

“So, when I saw you’re up the stick, I thought I had my way in. Now, I see I don’t have my foot in the door like I thought I did.”

“If it weren’t for this, I would absolutely start things up again,” Jill finally said, patting her stomach.

“But this stops you?”

“Doesn’t it stop you? I’m pregnant with someone else’s baby. With Kline’s baby.”

“I’ve got six kids by two different women,” Thad said with a shrug. “It’s not like I’m coming into this with a clean slate. Besides, I’ve been doing my own head in trying to figure out how to get you back. I’m not going to miss a shot just because, as you say, your birth control failed. If you start things up with me, I come with six children and two very involved ex-wives. I can’t hardly mind if you come with a baby and one of my friends. Anyway, I like babies. I’m a pro at nappies!”

She started to smile, and he asked, “How far along?”

“Just barely five months. If I can make it to six, I think everything will be okay.”

“Morning sickness?”

“Just getting better now.”

“Starving all the time?”

“All the time. All the damned time.”