“Oh, I like those! Watch my stuff while I go graze? I’m starved.”
“Of course.”
She watched him go up and down the buffet line picking and choosing, and asking for and receiving a glass of red wine. “I’m not sure about this pairing,” he lifted his plate and his glass then sat down beside her. “But beggars can’t be choosers.”
They chatted about the difference in qualities of lounge between LAX and Heathrow, and Rick told her his favorite and least favorite airports. She shared the same with him and found herself explaining that her family traveled regularly with her father’s business, so she’d been all over the world with them before she’d started going off on her own. Airports were old hat, almost second homes.
"So, how're things back home? I've been gone a week and feel like it's been months. How did the finale shoot go?" He asked when there was a lull in the conversation.
Rhiannon shrugged. "It's over. That's about the best thing I can say for it. Thad did well and the audience laughed in the right places, so I guess that's a good sign."
"That's the best you can say? What went wrong? I thought it was the grand reunion of everyone's favorite sitcom hunks."
She took a sip of coffee and sighed. "Well, Kline was kind of a shit. Actually, he was a huge asshole, And Thad is Thad.Thad's life philosophy when it comes to assholes is give them enough rope and they hang themselves. I'd rather him just beat the loving hell out of them once in a while.”
“You know," Rick took a sip of his drink, "I've actually known Kline longer. I've watched him grow from a really insecure, posing tosser into an older, insecure, posing tosser.I know," he held up a hand. “I told you he was a good guy who was just unlucky in love. And in a lot of ways, he is that.But he's terrified of not being in the public eye, and that brings out the worst in him. So does that Roland thing he's got lurking around with him like some Renfield all the time.Or is Kline the Renfield? It's frightening the amount of control that man exerts."
"It's hard to tell who's who when it comes to those two. I thought that Kline did only as much publicity as he needed to and preferred more private time, but he doesn't. Not really. He gets antsy if he has to stay home and nothing is going on. Of course, even when he's convinced himself that he wants to stay home, Roland calls him and orders him out. He grumbles and goes and has Roland to lay blame on for it, but if he didn't really want to go, he wouldn't. He allows himself to be puppeteered so he doesn't come across as a glamor junkie."
"I think you've hit it on the head with that last bit.How ‘bout your friend? Jill? I've seen some new pictures of those two looking mighty cozy. I had a long talk with Thad before I left and suggested cutting that loose until filming is over."
Rhiannon frowned. "I don't know what she's doing. She says the whole thing with Kline is just for show, for publicity, and I believe that because she's positively giddy about Thad. He says he's alright about it and knows that it's just business, but it would drive me crazy to see that everywhere," she said, then considered for a moment. "Like he pointed out, it did drive me crazy. Thad's taking it in stride."
Rick sighed."Is she safe for him? I mean really? Thad's like a brother to me, and no offense because I don't know her well, she just comes off as flighty, fickle, and fame-centric.”
“She’s been acting since childhood. It’s just work for her.”
“I think the child stars are the worst. Their growth is stunted. It’s not just work for them, it’s life. It’s how they were socialized.”
"Thad was a child star,” Rhiannon reminded. “And Jill’s not stunted. She's actually really very sweet and she could be grounded and centered with the right man.”
“Thad is the exception to the rule. Anyway, I’d rather see him date someone who is grounded and centered–someone outside the industry before he gets attached to her,” Rick said pointedly. “If he hadn’t already had his heart broken so many times, I–”
“I care about what happens to Thad, too. If I thought she was a pump-and-dump, I wouldn’t have suggested it. I think Thad's the right man, but she's in the middle of this circus with Kline and doesn't really see what kind of damage it could do. She's a little naive when it comes to love. Her experiences haven't been good ones," Rhiannon explained, detailing some of Jill's history to illustrate her point. "The other part of this that's a problem is that Kline is playing on the forced closeness and their friendship to try and get over on Thad. He really is unbelievable."
"Frankly, I'm fed up with him. He called me a couple of times to see about getting a role in Circle Sky. He wanted the part I'd slated for Thad.Mentioned how much more experience he has, and how Thad really needs to be available for his girls."
Rhiannon felt her eyes widen."He didn't!"
"He did.It's exactly like the first couple of seasons of Knock. He's in full competition mode."
"What set that off?"
"I'm not sure. Probably your little friend. It was always Kline competing with Thad, though.Not the other way around.Thad doesn't need to compete.It didn't stop until Kline started getting the offers for the movies. Thad was getting them, too, but he turned them down. Mainly because of his family.He had three little girls, nearly by himself when we first started, then three more and a new wife halfway through, then six girls in and out without any help before it was all over.And happy as a pig in mud with it. Kline was getting all the attention by default.Thad gets enough attention at home, I suppose."
“I’m glad he’s doing this.”
“Me too.”
Rhiannon took one of the cornichon from Rick’s plate and bit into it, “Why are we even talking about this like it matters what we think?”
That made Rick laugh and he shrugged amiably. “I’m just glad you’re talking to me. You’ve been avoiding me.”
“What should we talk about?”
“Tell me about Prague.”