Another pause. Another breath. The answer had been accepted, but something was bothering him. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before he said, “He asked a lot about you at the feast, you know. Who you were, why you were there. I think he’s interested in you.”
The final part was said with an uncertainty she would’ve been offended by if she weren’t so grateful for his disbelief at the notion.
She capitalized on it.
“An actual in-power alpha interested in me? Me?” She forced a laugh. “I may be able to woo an official or two, but an alpha is far beyond my reach.”
“You’re the daughter of the Imperial Beta?”
That was getting old fast.
“And yet, I went to countless mate gatherings and some balls and galas, and not a single heir—not even an alpha’s scion—spared me a glance.”
Adrien looked her over, contemplative. “You’re different now.”
“You just—are.” He shrugged before going pensive again. “You asked me at the feast if I thought he was dangerous.”
Back on Kai again.
Isla took a breath, remembering her words well. “That was a long time ago.”
A line appeared on Adrien’s cheek. “Alpha isn’t handed down by strength. It’s a birthright, only a birthright.” He let the words hang for a bit. “I don’t have any siblings. The title’s mine as soon as my father passes it down. But I know how much my aunt and uncle resented him for the fact that Imperial Alpha was his, despite being just as much my grandfather’s children and as alpha-blooded as he was. The Alpha of Deimos—the current alpha—is…a lot stronger than his brother was. He just proved it.”
“Stop,” Isla told him, and Adrien turned to face her. “Kai wouldn’t do that.”
Adrien had echoed the name without question, just deadpan observation, but Isla still corrected herself.
“The alpha,” she said before shaking her head. “Where is this coming from? You both seemed fine talking at the Gate.” She wasn’t even going to bother trying to pry from him what Kai had deemed “pack business”. Not tonight, anyway.
Another rise and fall of Adrien’s shoulders. “He’s alright, especially for a guy who got a shitty deal, but…something’s off with that pack. Something’s been off for years, even before the alpha and heir just died.” She noted the way he hadn’t cited a killer, one other than Kai who he’d suspected. Like his father really hadn’t told him. “I don’t know what it is, but I don’t want you getting tangled up in it somehow.”
“I’m not,” she replied quickly. Too quickly, maybe. She mustered a soft smile. “Believe me, I’m not.”
“Okay.” Adrien mirrored the expression before falling back onto the bed and rubbing his hands over his face, groaning.
She laughed. “Are you good?”
The Heir sighed before placing his hands on his stomach. “Tired.” He closed his eyes, heaving another breath, one that she could really feel the weight behind. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was due to recent events or if he still suffered effects from the severed bond. “Really fucking tired.”
Now wasn’t the time to ask.
“Join the club,” she chimed.
He smirked before closing his eyes. “Wake me up in an hour.”
Isla snorted, though she wouldn’t fight him on it. Maybe she’d be able to get some sleep too.
“Fine,” she said, chucking one of her pillows down for him to use. “But move down, fat ass. I need room for my legs.”
Adrien obliged, sliding down the mattress, not bothering to crack open his eyes. “Alright, Pudge.”
She rolled her eyes, but a genuine smile graced Isla’s mouth as she lay down on her pillow, not bothering to wriggle under the constricting blankets. It wasn’t long after she’d settled that the gentle, deep sounds of Adrien’s breathing filled the room. He really had been exhausted.