Page 246 of A Warrior's Fate

Kai shocked her as he smiled at Cassius, not as feral as the Imperial Alpha had but with that lethal coolness he’d exuded since they’d met in Callisto. “Imperial Alpha.” He gave a deep bow of his head, and Isla clenched her teeth as Cassius’s eyes ran over him, sizing him up.

When Kai straightened, the Imperial Alpha lowered—his bow just as deep, to Isla’s surprise—and as he rose, his hand went up with him. He extended it towards his peer, and Kai’s brows raised at the Alpha’s gesture. Once it dawned, he fought a frown and reached forward.

A warrior’s embrace.

The action wasn’t commonly exchanged between two alphas, even those who’d both successfully completed the warrior rite as they had. It was as if Cassius wanted to make a point. Wanted to remind Kai that whatever had occurred in the Hunt, whatever had earned him that warrior status—a status he did not wear on his skin as Isla did but would be immortalized in every tome and history book—no matter how many bak he’d killed, Cassius had put him in this arena today. He’d been the decider on him fighting for his life.

It would always come down to him.

Isla growled under her breath. “Prick,” she remarked down the bond, and Kai’s soft returning laugh, though not visible on his face, helped ease her aggravation.

Not enough, clearly.

As though Cassius could sense it, sense her, he dropped Kai’s arm and moved sideways to put her in eyeshot. She hated the way he looked at her, so falsely gleeful, so predatory. “There’s a familiar face.”

It was the spark to a flame. Not within her, but within her mate. A flaring of Kai’s power had eyes going his way, and she swore Cassius stepped back, just a hair. Could’ve sworn his features faltered. Sworn she tasted his fear on her tongue.

It was the opening something cruel in her had been seeking, and despite the third warning look she was now receiving from Marin today, she stepped forward. And forward. And forward. Her fists were clenched behind her back.

Imperial Alpha Cassius was in her home. Standing before her mate. He’d lied to her back in Io. Wanted her to believe herself a murderer. He probably knew what was wrong with Lukas all along and had him imprisoned regardless to keep his secrets safe.

Isla didn’t balk or break the Alpha’s stare until she was at Kai’s side. And after a shallow bow, she fixed her gaze on his again, her shoulders back, her head high. “Imperial Alpha.”

Her voice hadn’t even sounded her own. If Kai’s was laced with ice, then she breathed fire. She felt the guard behind her stand at attention and clocked every twitching muscle of Io’s battalion. Mostly men. No weapons on hand. All of them could shift. Where was the witch he’d brought? Raana.

“I like this side of you,” Kai said, something like pride ebbing between them. “Alluring as it is terrifying.”

Cassius’s eyes narrowed. “Isla, what have I told you? You’re family. No need for formality.”

The drop of her name, his words rippled through both sides, sending them whispering.

She ignored it. “In the presence of others, I feel it is necessary. Better to set an example than boast as the exception.”

The Alpha pursed his lips as if impressed by her philosophy, though still countered, “It seems General Eli didn’t share the same sentiments when it came to you.” He turned to Kai. “I’m surprised you could convince him to let you have her. He’s quite fond of our Isla. As it seems you are.”

Kai may have appeared coolheaded, but Isla could feel his temper flare. Felt him reach an edge and knew that one more comment or ill glance directed her way would lead to a full-scale war on this stone.

She could see Cassius’s game. The line he was drawing between the two factions, using her as his tool. She hadn’t wanted to renounce where she’d come from to be respected as queen, but from what she was hearing from everyone around her—with every word he spoke, pulling her to Io’s side—he was making it seem near-impossible not to.

The sounds of several approaching footsteps drew everyone’s attention to a space on the far side of the arena. From a tunnel’s mouth emerged fifteen more maroon and gold-clad soldiers and leading the group was Imperial Beta Malakai.

Isla’s heart leaped into her throat, not caring to wonder where they’d been. Shock washed over the battle of contempt and elation within her to see his face.

It had only been a few weeks, but he looked…tired. In stark contrast to the dark circles beneath them, Malakai’s eyes lit up when they fell upon his daughter.

Through the bond, Isla felt Kai tense, but it wasn’t for anger or defensiveness. He was nervous, and it seemed like it was for no other fact than he was meeting her father.

The Beta picked up his pace, steps ahead of his men, and Isla could only release a breath and accept his open arms when he damned all protocol to blow by everyone and go right to her. His body like a bear’s; he’d always given such great hugs. Perfected for those moments when he tried to pick up the pieces—uplift his children—after their mother had gone. But they had become less frequent as they got older, as something drew him—or maybe drew them—away.

Isla’s feet were suddenly off the ground, and Malakai squeezed her tighter. “My little warrior.” The pride in his voice nearly broke her.

“Dad, you have to put me down,” Isla grumbled but couldn’t hold back a smile. “You’re embarrassing me.”

Malakai let out a staccato sound of apology and obliged, but not before giving her one last squeeze. He nodded to everyone on Io and Deimos’s sides before bowing deeper to both alphas. He focused on Kai in particular. “Apologies, Alpha.”

Isla couldn’t miss the conflicting emotions on Kai’s face. “It’s fine. I understand. Your daughter is,” Kai glanced down at her, “one-of-a-kind.”

“She is,” Malakai said. “I wish we were here under different circumstances.”