Page 229 of A Warrior's Fate

Everyone, everything, came to a halt.

No music. No speaking. No eating. No drinking.

For a split second, it was only the sounds of everyone’s breathing and heavy heartbeats.

Then came whispers, questions of if it were all some illusion.

And finally, the raucousness resumed.

Greetings were boisterous and plenty for all of them by the tavern’s regulars, but mostly Kai.

Though the men and women of various ages offered him the respect he was owed as their leader, they also spoke with him as a friend they hadn’t seen in a while. Some apologized for his losses, some shared their own. Shared their triumphs, new mates, new babies, new businesses. It had brought that light to his face that appeared too rarely. Like when he’d been talking to the guard members back at the base. A life he’d had and loved and missed. One that he’d never have again.

He didn’t let her get lost as the conversations continued—it almost felt like a haphazard line had been forming to have an audience with him. While everyone else broke off further in the establishment to get drinks, Adrien and Sebastian included, she felt Kai, through the bond, tug her to stay.

She obliged and began removing her jacket, the action enough movement to bring attention her way.

One gentleman, a mug of ale in his hand, his dark hair peppered with gray, unabashedly roamed his eyes over her. “And who’s this pretty thing?”

Isla felt another tug at the bond, only this one seemed much like the night of the feast when Eli had shown an interest in her. Maybe she should’ve worn a sign to show that she’d already gotten her mate riled up for the night and that all should proceed with caution.

Kai turned, helping her remove her garment the rest of the way. His tone was calm but lethal. “This pretty thing could probably kick your ass into next week before I had a chance to, Raglan.”

Isla snickered, observing the man, Raglan, herself—the way he stood, how he stiffened, how he shifted on his feet. Even without his mildly intoxicated state, she probably could.

“A friend?” A woman had questioned from beside them with some suggestion, maybe annoyance, her eyes seeming to linger on Kai.

Isla smiled tightly at her before meeting her mate’s gaze. The taunting raise of his brows answered any wondering she had of if he had felt the same possessive pull from her.

She rolled her eyes, not wanting to feed his ego, and spun back to answer, “A very good one.”

Isla had only heard one person mention the challenge. As if it hadn’t just been Davina’s rule, but everyone’s to forget it was happening.

The music of the tavern was a steady drumming in her ears as she perched herself beside the redhead, leaning back against Talha’s bar, watching as Sebastian and Ameera engaged in a game of pool.

Her brother cursed as the general sunk another one of her striped balls into a corner pocket, more exaggerated than necessary. They were garnering a small audience. Despite their promise to lay low, Sebastian already had a hustle on his mind from the moment he’d heard the tavern’s description. Ameera was to make him appear as a weak opponent, and then they’d split the cut of what he won as he took on other competitors.

Isla told him that if he was chased out of here, she wasn’t saving him. Adrien agreed he wasn’t either, but she didn’t think it would get to that point. Despite being obnoxious, her brother wasn’t stupid. Far from that. Isla knew he’d find victory in a way that wouldn’t make it obvious to people that they were being swindled. Find the perfect amount of give and take, the fine line where skill could hide behind the illusion of luck. It was a horrible misuse of his abilities, of how perceptive and cunning he was. A born and bred warrior like most men in Io.

Isla was surprised Ameera had gone along with the charade, opting to remain up above at the gaming table while Kai, Adrien, Rhydian, and Jonah had gone below to where the card games were held—Isla had been there briefly before they’d gone into a mysterious den with more serious competition at Charley’s table.

The general appeared to be genuinely enjoying herself, not just because she had to play up her victories. Isla didn’t care what happened between the pair at the end of the night, she was just happy to see Ameera in good spirits. Though she had noticed, even after their initial flirtations back at the shop, both of their eyes seemed to run the crowd for other pursuits.

Eventually, as the night drew on and the alcohol took to Isla’s bloodstream, leaving her head buzzing, want echoed along with it.

Her body heated.

She sent a simple, innocent “Hello” through the bond.

It was met by an unsure and amused reply from her mate. “Hello?”

“How are you doing?”

She could practically hear Kai laugh. “I’m about to win this hand. Can I help you with something?”

It was the perfect opening.

“Actually…” Isla drawled before continuing her toying from earlier. Explaining how she felt and what she wanted, now. Painting him a picture the best she could with her words.