Page 22 of A Warrior's Fate

Just as it had almost got free from her grip, she slammed her paw to its face and jarred it away. Her teeth sank deep into its thick neck, taking away its howls as she ripped out its throat. Liquid flooded from the space, the darkness bathing the earth.

Or it is.

Isla remained atop the beast until all its fight had gone. Until she saw the light leave its eyes. Until it stared blankly into the abyss it called home.

When that rapturous moment came, she let its bitter flesh drop from her jaws. Her breath came out in pants as she stumbled from her perch.

For a moment, all she could do was stare. And wait. And wait. And wait for that fire to reignite. For the claw to swipe. For that roar to pierce her soul.

But none of it came.

It was dead. It was really dead.

She’d done it.

But before she could get too enthusiastic, her adrenaline began its decrescendo and her ailments made themselves well-known. Her body ached, and the gash in her leg hurt like a bitch. She lapped at it, hoping to relieve some of the sting. Time would heal it, but for now, it would be a pain in the ass getting back to the Gate.

The Gate.

She wasn’t done yet…and neither was—

Isla whipped around and scoured her surroundings for the Trainee. The woods were silent, and he was nowhere in sight.

No, no, no, she agonized as she trotted forward. Her eyes continued their pursuit, preparing to come upon the worst—the monster hovering over the corpse of her ally. Its face dug into his chest.

Air escaped from her lungs in a whoosh when she saw him.

The Trainee had his sword positioned above his bak’s remains, prepared to remove one of its claws. That, along with a tooth, would serve as their proof, and be joined with their hunter’s robes in the Warrior Galley of their respective Pack Halls for all to see.

She’d never been so happy to be wrong.

The Trainee had lost his helmet and was cradling his shoulder. Blood leaked between his fingers, and he was favoring his right leg. So, it seemed he’d also sustained his fair share of injuries. This was going to be a nightmare journey for them both.

It had to have all just been an unfortunate coincidence—the two bak—or maybe a gift from the Goddess to allow them both to get through the task together.

Whatever it was, the hard part was over.

The Trainee felt her presence and turned his head. Seeing her snout coated in blood must’ve been a glorious sight as he beamed and lifted his sword. He let out a howl, not as deep and resounding as an actual wolf, but perfect either way. Isla called back out to him, giving a little lift of her front legs.

As Isla jogged back to her prize, the paranoid part of her brain was half-expecting the beast to be missing. Somewhere upright and ready to attack. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. It was by the fallen tree, right where she’d left it. Very dead and very ready for her to extract her trophies.

But as she dipped her head to its long claw, teeth ready to grab hold, she froze and cocked her head to examine its face.

Its skull was shifted at a different angle than she’d left it. Or maybe not, she wasn’t sure. Maybe she was recalling it wrong or hadn’t realized she’d hit it as she stumbled off. Maybe there had just been a rumble of the ground.

Cautiously, she tapped a paw against its cheek. Nothing. Still very dead.

Nevertheless, her stomach went watery.

Slowly, Isla retracted back and twisted her head to scan the woods.

Her blood ran cold.

Amongst the trees. Watching her. Waiting…

Red eyes. Four of them.

Two bak, side by side. Working together.