Page 156 of A Warrior's Fate

They’d lost their war with Fate—but she had never been so happy to lose. Never been happier to be proven so wrong. Kai had said he’d be the best sex of her life, and she’d challenged him on it.

Then he’d taken her on the desk and the bed.

Made her hold on to the headboard as he slid in behind her.

Let her take him in her mouth before she’d rode him until she’d collapsed on his chest, unsure if she could handle anymore.

And then he’d rolled her over to edge her until she swore tears pricked her eyes. Until she’d begged him—begged him—to let her finish. Only for him to enter her again, so they could go together.


Yes, she could certainly think of worse ways to be incorrect. And she would graciously take this loss and whatever ones the future held.

As she replayed the moments—remembering how much she’d enjoyed herself, how undone she’d become with him, for him—she couldn’t help the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, and lower.

And she just had to laugh.

As the cheerful sounds left her mouth, Kai couldn’t help himself either. He was running his fingers up and down her back as he shook his head. “I knew you’d be great in bed, but…fuck.”

Isla lifted herself on her elbow to look down at him, teasing, “What a vocabulary.”

Kai scoffed and reached a hand up to brush her face and the wild blonde waves from near her eyes. When his thumb dragged lazily over her lips, she nipped it with her teeth. He grinned. “I’m going to have my hands full with you, aren’t I?”

Isla kissed the heel of his hand and lowered her head to peck his lips. “No going back now.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Kai said against her mouth before tightening his grip on her waist to pull her on top of him.

Isla braced her hands on either side of his head, dropping her widened eyes to where he was hard beneath her. “Already?”

Kai guided her hips to grind on him and appeared to brace himself as she moaned. “You have no idea what you do to me.”

Isla smiled as he pulled her down to kiss her…and kiss her…and kiss her. Anywhere his lips and tongue could reach and tease. He was developing a quick mastery of her body, becoming aware of all the spots that melted and invigorated her all at once.

Her hand drifted between their bodies, taking a hold of him and teasing her slick entrance before sinking down, down. The stretch and pressure as he filled her, inch by inch, nearly had her eyes rolling back, and as they built a rhythm, smooth and slow and deep, she sighed.

She could get used to this.

Quickly. Easily. Happily.

If only everything could be this simple.

“So, what happens now?” Isla called back to Kai from her spot in front of the bathroom mirror where she’d been examining the mark on her neck.

As she raked her fingers through her hair—damp after the shower they’d taken—she watched him work the buttons of his shirt. With each one he fastened, her gut twisted. With each one, reality set in.

“Tonight?” Kai asked, looking up at Isla as she entered the main room. Her wavering expression told him enough—that she meant much more than whatever the remaining hours of the day held. “By tradition and protocol, a lot of ceremonies—more for you than me, but I’ll still be in witness.”

Ceremonies. She could handle ceremonies.

Though the assuredness she attempted to convey wasn’t the least bit convincing. “Okay.”

“We can take it slow,” Kai said, finishing the last button. “Everything doesn’t need to happen at once.”

Isla cast him a doubtful look. “They were trying to find you a wife at the banquet yesterday.”

Kai crossed the room to take her in his arms. “And I found her.” He combed his fingers through her hair, eliciting a soft smile. “Most of it is formalities and giving the pack something to look forward to,” he explained. “I was never big on parties anyway—always found a way to escape all the galas and banquets and nonsense, much to Marin and my father’s annoyance. Having you here and happy is what matters to me.”

Isla’s grin grew despite the nerves brought about by his words. She played with the buttons of his shirt, teasing, “It’s going to be a lot of dresses.”