He leaves his hold faster than Rian is ready to let him go. He tucks his hand under the back of his shirt, and he slides out a plastic envelope with various documents.

One readsPower of Attorney. Rian can see his own passport there and another brand-new one, together with Bran’s birth certificate, some cash, and travel checkbooks.

His eyes snap to Rick, who is looking back at him with an intensity he’s never seen before.

“You need to leave. Run. The first chance you get…don’t hesitate, Rian. He will make good on every fucked-up promise he has made you.”

“I’m scared,” Rian sobs out. “Will he…when he finds out you helped me, will he hurt you?”

“Yes.” Rick’s lower lip is trembling, his eyes are wild and watery. Rian has never seen him like this – scared and almost defeated.

“I can’t ––”

“You fucking better!” Rick takes a deep breath, tears running down his cheeks. “For me and Bran. If you miss your chance, we’re all going to suffer.” He takes another deep breath that melts into a desperate plea, “Don’t make me suffer for nothing.”

Rian drags him in for another fearless hug and this time, Rick lingers longer, as if sensing it may be awhile before he is in the presence of anyone he could trust again. The connection they share is one of sadness and regret. Rick is the epitome of a mistake repeated over and over again. Rian is the consequences spelled out clear. They are two naïve men, falling through the cracks of their loneliness, directly into the hands of monsters like Harris Kelly.


Rian, Ri, Ree-ahn


The interview is a success. The campaign manager in charge of Harris’s election run informs them, as they review some of the footage. He glances at Rian occasionally, but Rian doesn’t want to waste time pondering what that could mean.

The reporter, photographer, and the rest of the magazine crew are packing their equipment away and getting ready to leave. Rian anxiously watches them go about their tasks, dreading being alone with his husband.

Rian has no idea how he has managed to string even two words together. He is so stressed out, he feels like he is about to hurl every time he opens his mouth. His heart is pounding so hard, that for excruciatingly long moments, all he can hear is the fast swooshing of blood in his ears. Even trying to calm his breathing down causes him great effort.

His clammy hands leave prints everywhere and he is horrified this alone would be a giveaway enough. That Harris will foil his plan and take Bran away from him right then and there.

Rian’s phone has been confiscated, as well as his laptop, his desktop computer, and even his smartwatch. The home phones are redirecting all calls to Harris’s office first to be vetted by one of his secretaries and then redirected back to the landline in the house.

It is a miracle Harris has agreed for Margarita to be called in, to clean after the visit from the magazine crew today. He hates a messy house and there is plenty to be done after the interview.

Has Mr. Duncan or Stephanie tried to reach him? Could Rian ask Margarita to relay a message to them without putting her in danger?

He can’t risk involving any more people in his mess. One day, he vows to reach out to them and thank them for their willingness to help him. That alone has inspired him to be brave and make a move on his own.

Rian knows exactly when his window of opportunity will be. It is today. Harris is due to leave for the airport in thirty minutes. Harris is leaving his security detail behind. It is obvious he doesn’t trust Rian to be alone anymore. He hasn’t done this in months, and it is a clear indication, that from now on, Rian will be guarded vigilantly.

Rick is there, acting his usual prim and icy self, hardly even glancing at Rian. For a second there, Rian wonders if he could even trust this man. Could Rick be setting him up in an elaborate trap?

He quickly shakes the thought away. He doesn’t know why but he trusts him. More importantly, he feels that Rick trusts him too. What he has done is very dangerous. In return, he is only asking Rian not to squander the opportunity. A break Rick himself could have taken advantage of, to save his own life and extract himself from the shitshow that is about to descend on both of them when Harris Kelly figures out that they are no longer at odds.

Harris drops the pretense – his perfect, loving husband and wholesome veteran personas are tucked away as soon as the magazine crew is out of the house. Rian doesn’t waste any time lingering and makes himself scarce. He is too nervous about his impending escape to hang around his husband. Rian’s resolve to leave with Bran is stronger than ever, but he is positively certain, that Harris can cause him to stumble and give himself away with just a few choice words.

Rian knows it.

And so does Harris.

The power that he holds over Rian, although faded as of late, is still very much there.

Harris finds him in the kitchen, feeding Bran his lunch. Rian naturally takes a stand between Harris and Bran. His son scowls at Harris as usual.

Bless his little defiant spirit, Rian thinks to himself. Even though Harris has never so much as touched him unless it was for photo ops, Rian doesn’t put it beneath him to try and scare him with some dangerous behavior directed at Bran.

“I trust I made myself clear,” Harris says flatly.