Page 56 of Yours To Save

“I fucking love it!” Sammy cupped his face and kissed him passionately. Then he pressed his forehead to Logan’s. “I love you so much!” He was struggling to contain his emotions - he wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. “Fuck! You’re amazing! I’m so fucking lucky!”

“I love you too, baby!” Logan squeezed his midsection and lifted him up in a tight bear grip, twirling him around in his excitement, making Sammy laugh.

“What didyouwant to show me?” Logan asked him once he put him down.

“Oh, fuck no! I'm not showing you shit. Not after this!” Sammy waved his hands gesturing all around them, at the beautiful studio Logan had built for him. He wiped the happy tears from his eyes, shaking his head.

Logan was laughing at how flustered Sammy was, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably. “Come on, I’m sure it’s just as great.”

“Nope. Nowhere near as great.”

Logan was still laughing but then decided to drop it for now and gave Sammy a quick tour, basically showing him where all his stuff that was previously stored in the small home office were placed and then all the new things he had added. He showed him how the space looked once all the shutters were closed, and Sammy couldn’t wait to see the space once the light burst through the half-drawn panels.

It was getting dark by the time they locked up the studio and walked hand in hand to their home. They made dinner, walked Morpheus, and talked about how Logan had pulled off building the studio. He had had a small army of volunteers - Lucas, James, Dave, even Danika and Stef with Jackson in tow.

The big surprise was that his father Tom had made an appearance as well. He had come to help them install the solar panels correctly and had organized the certification for them as well.He didn’t need to do any of this as both Lucas and Logan knew exactly how to set up the installation. Tom hadn’t really said anything other than what was required for the work he was doing, but him being there, doing this for Logan and Sammy was a start.

They both had an early morning the next day, so they dragged themselves to bed, first showering and opting for a quicky under the hot streams of water before bedtime. Sammy loved the fact that they were both so comfortable with each other that a handy in the shower was just as fine as a fuckfest on some nights. As long as they were close, kissing and touching, that seemed to be all that mattered to them.

He waited for Logan to pull up his pajama pants and throw himself on the bed, already half asleep. He bent over and dug through the pockets of his jeans to get the more important half of his surprise. Unlike Logan, his poker face was perfection, and he could keep his shit together when he really wanted to surprise his man. He put on some shorts and climbed on the bed, crawling between Logan’s legs and making himself comfortable between his thighs, resting on his knees.

Logan grinned at him, and reached to pull him down, but Sammy pulled him up in a sitting position instead. They kissed and Sammy snaked his arm between them, flicking the top of the small box he had been holding onto. It made the softest of sounds, but it was enough for Logan to look down between them. His eyes widened in recognition, and his arms flew around Sammy’s shoulders, crushing him tight to his chest.

“Is that ayes?!” Sammy chuckled.

Logan nodded frantically, and surged forward sealing their mouths in a messy, breathless kiss. “I love you!”

Sammy was barely able to murmur in between kisses, “I love you too, baby!”


David and Blake, drove down with James, Danika and Michael, opting to stay at the Saratoga Arms for the whole week leading up to the wedding. They were helping Sammy and Logan to prepare for the ceremony. Michael’s boyfriend was going to be there for the big day, but work had held him back in Boston for another few days. Sammy and Logan were excited to meet the lawyer Michael had been blushing and gushing about.

George Duncan had made quite a splash in recent months with his involvement in a high-profile case that had coincidentally exposed a lot of the shady dealings Michael’s dad had been involved in. He was now in custody and Sarah was nowhere to be found, having hastily filed for divorce, cleaning up their bank accounts.

Danika couldn’t stop gushing about George and all the good work he was doing in her charities. After exposing a few high-ranking officials, George’s corporate career had pretty much been killed, but Danika had wasted no time poaching him. She had hired him to be in charge of the legal representation of her various organisations. Michael was proudly beaming every time George was mentioned. He was just too adorable and obviously very much in love. Sammy was glad he had found his happiness with someone so amazing.

Sammy and Logan decided to get married at the house, exchanging their vows on the pier by the lake. Logan, his brother, and his father had been repairing it all summer, replacing the posts and timber, as well as extending it by few feet and adding stairs and some railing. They were going to have the ceremony at sunset, and the chairs for the guests were lined up on the front lawn. The trees were decorated with solar fairy lights that would illuminate the lawn with a soft glow, once the sun set completely. To nail their time right, they had been spending almost every night on the big lawn chairs in the front yard looking at the sunset for about a week.

The official paperwork had been done and dusted a month ago. They were already husbands, but having the ceremony in front of family and friends was something they both wanted to do.

After Sammy had proposed, they had visited different locations, but nothing really felt right until one night they were sitting on the pier with Morpheus, watching the sunset. Logan was sitting behind Sammy, his whole body enveloping his fiancé, kissing his shoulder and neck occasionally. His arms held Sammy close, keeping them connected and comfortable.

Sammy sighed and Logan peered over his shoulder. His face was now transformed by a peaceful smile. “I can't believe I get to do this with you. Sometimes I just look at you and I can't believe this is my life, that this is our home.”

Logan tightened his embrace and kissed his neck gently. “Would pinching you help, because I've been curious about some rough kink play.”

They laughed and Sammy ended up pinching Logan, then Morpheus attacked both of them with sloppy kisses and they ended up in a tangled mess on the pier, panting and laughing. Sammy lay on his back, wiping a loose tear from his eye and looking at Logan still wrestling with Morpheus, baby talking to his bestest boy. The sunset was in full swing, magnificent oranges and red illuminating the sky. Sammy felt like they were floating in color and the gentle sounds of nature. Everything about this moment was perfect.

“Let's get married here.”

Logan froze for a moment, then turned to him, shoving Morpheus away gently. He shimmied closer, then rested on his elbow leaning over Sammy.

“Are you sure, baby?”

“Yeah.” Sammy reached for him and cupped his cheek. “This is perfect.” He went quiet and Logan could see his face overcome with emotion. “That way, Sophy and Jordan can be part of it too.”

Logan teared up. “You're amazing. I love you.”