Page 55 of Yours To Save

“That sounds like it’s more about you having fun, than pampering me through a dramatic very traumatic episode of my life.” Sammy gave him a faint smile, and even if his retort was delivered quietly, it was still something. Okay, this was good. They were getting there.

Sammy snuggled closer, resting his head on his shoulder, and lacing their fingers together. Logan glanced at the photo albums piled on the coffee table. His heart filled with anticipation, hope and excitement for the future they were about to build together.


Sammy & Logan


Sammy: I have a surprise for you.

Logan: I have something for you too.

Sammy: Whaaatttt?

Logan: *wink face

He tried to pry it out of his lover, but Logan just turned his phone off. He couldn't keep a secret as far as surprises were concerned, and he had obviously slipped more than he had intended. He knew Sammy would get him to sing and he had made sure that didn't happen.

Sammy drove in silence for three hours not even realizing he hadn’t even turned on his music. He had been wondering what Logan had prepared for him, just once looking over his shoulder at what half of his own surprise was.

The last shoot in Vegas had been for this new start-up – a lingerie company that catered specifically to men. They offered a wide range of undergarments, sex toys, lubricants, edible undies, corsets and negligées. Anything lacy, sexy, and provocative, or risqué – you name it – they had it, or they were happy to make it, as apparently the market for that stuff was pretty much untapped. They had given him this giant basket with an assortment of every single product they had on file, as a bonus gift for a job well done during the shoot.

Sammy had thought about Logan trying on some of the garments more than once and his imagination was easily spinning out of control as Logan was so adventurous with their lovemaking. He loved trying new things with Sammy. Everything they ventured in felt new to Sammy just as well. Sammy had always been very sexual and comfortable with himself but being with Logan was something else. Every experience, no matter how technically familiar it was, just felt like it was a first for both of them. Everything was fun and light and just perfect between them. He loved how relaxed Logan was with him, and how much he wanted to experiment and try different things.

* * *

When he pulledup to the driveway, Logan was already outside, grinning and looking awfully smug and excited. It always melted Sammy’s heart, that Logan was a bit like a kid when he tried to surprise him, just getting all excited himself. Logan laughed, unable to contain his own enthusiasm, rushing to meet Sammy halfway.

Sammy had only been away for three weeks, but they kissed each other breathless. Sammy felt himself crushed by his lover in a tight embrace. He loved it. Logan was still grinning into their kiss, as if unable to will his facial muscles to relax. Sammy rolled his eyes thoroughly amused by Logan’s inability to maintain a poker face. Not even for five minutes. However, he had to admit he was also pretty excited about the surprise his lover had for him. If he had put this much effort in concealing his plans, it had to be something big. “Okay, baby, show me what you’re hiding.”

Logan dragged him hurriedly around the house and up the small hill where Morpheus’s favorite spot used to be. The large bullmastiff had been experiencing some stiffness in his hind legs and had been preferring the front yard these days. As they were nearing, he could see the roof of a building.

They climbed up to the top, where the slick design lines of a small but elegant building were revealed. It was a gorgeous oval-shaped studio, about forty feet wide and twenty feet deep. It was all steel beams, practically encased in glass walls.

The roof was covered in a discreet setup of solar panels. Inside, it was all white and his equipment and his small office had been transferred in, with further additional items, only James would be able to suggest to Logan – lights, backdrops, green screens, etc. The floor was solid timber over what seemed to be polished concrete. The light fixtures were brushed chrome, making everything about this space tie in nicely together. It was big and beautiful and open, and he just stood there, marvelling at how lovely everything had been arranged, to serve his specific preferences.

Sammy was speechless. He could only look frantically from his lover to the gorgeous studio, and his lack of words, for once, amused Logan so much, he just couldn’t stop grinning.

Logan tugged him patiently, and he followed as his lover pulled a key out of his back pocket and unlocked the studio door. He gave Sammy a gentle shove, so he would be the first to enter the space.

The place was nice and warm, but it didn’t feel like a greenhouse, something one might expect looking at all that glass.

As if reading his mind Logan knocked on the glass – the brief contact made a dullthunksound. It was actually very thick. He simply said, “Industrial laminated glass, specifically designed to insulate and protect the space from the elements, while at the same time it allows natural light to fully come through. After you get a better feel for the light in this space, you can choose which glass panels you want covered with foil for privacy, or just to adjust the light.” Sammy could already imagine the morning sunshine enveloping this gorgeous space for creativity Logan had built for him.

He bobbed his head, still very much stunned. He turned to Logan, trying to freaking remember, how words fucking worked, and he came up with his mouth gaping. Logan didn’t care. He knew Sammy was happy. And that was enough for him.

His desk was set up in the middle, and he just knew that if he sat there, every corner of the oval studio would be visible to him. Next to his desk was a big dog bed for Morpheus, for when he came to visit him. There was still plenty of space for him to run about outside once he began feeling better. Shutters were folded away over every other glass panel.

There was a large leather sofa, some pillows, and a throw blanket, as well as an antique-looking chest-like coffee table. There was a small bookshelf there, and it made Sammy grin because it housed some of Logan’s favorite books. It was obviously there for when he would visit him. He could envision them cuddling on the large couch, or Logan reading there comfortably settled while Sammy worked. There was a small coffee station set up at the furthest corner to the right, with all his favorite things, and a giant box of green tea. He chuckled at the sight of it.

The painting corner was the biggest surprise, with the setup including several different sizes of easels, multiple canvases with different proportions, an adjustable stool for Sammy to be comfortable while working, and an insane number of paints, charcoals, mixing solutions, brushes, pencils, drawing pads of different sizes - anything he could possibly need, should he feel like expressing himself and bringing the images from his imagination to life.

Logan was still grinning. “I also changed our Internet provider.”

All Sammy could do was clutch his hand tight and look around completely stunned and overwhelmed. This space was beautiful and sohim. There was no doubt Logan had gotten James and Danika to help him, but the gesture was monumental, and it rendered him speechless to see how truly intimately his lover knew him. He understood Sammy so well, he had created this just for him, out of love and devotion.

Logan looked so very smug and thoroughly pleased with himself. “So… you like it?”