James chuckled. “Fuck yes!”
Sammy was thoroughly amused. His friend didn’t sound nearly as angry or upset as he should have been. He patted himself dry and Sammy could see the wound was small and circular, just above his nipple on his right peck.
“How? Just tell me, how the hell did she do this to you? And maybe also why? Better yet, why was she here in the first place?”
James shrugged, grinning and applied an adhesive bandage over his wound and sealed it clean. Sammy just gave him an incredulous look. “Why do you even have these in your apartment?”
James laughed and shook his head, like Sammy’s questions were some naïve childish nonsense.
“You know this isn’t the first time Danika has drawn blood, right? Last time we were together, she fucking stabbed me with an ice pick!”
“How very ‘basic instinct’ of her.” Sammy rolled his eyes and when James went red, his jaw dropped. “Were you guys literally doing that precise scene?”
“Shut up! It was hot!” His friend defended his kinky sex life with half-hearted conviction.
“Until she stabbed you! You two are insane!” Sammy gave him an exasperated look.
James may have been the one bleeding, but he wasn’t going to let Sammy pick on his R-rated activities between the sheets, when he clearly had called with a completely different agenda. “Oh yeah?! And why are you back here so soon?” He walked out of the bathroom and put on a black t-shirt. Sammy sat on the bed, then absentmindedly rubbed his hands in the duvet. Busted.
“Logan and I had an argument…a disagreement? I don’t know what the fuck happened! Fuck, it wasn’t even a big deal. I don’t know how we went from chilling in his house to the ice-cold shoulder he gave me.” Sammy shook his head. He still couldn’t believe it. “But he asked me to go, and he looked so hurt, I just couldn’t…I didn’t want to force myself on him.”
James nodded and then with an impish smile said, “You realize you probably shouldn’t touch anything on my bed, right?”
Sammy jumped startled and made a gagging sound, then went back into the bathroom and washed his hands thoroughly enough to perform surgery. James was laughing at him.
They moved to the living room. James ordered some takeout and they hashed out every detail of Sammy’s weekend. Only after he had given him every single little bit of information, did James serve him some of his signature wisdom. Sammy ended up including some of the saucy stuff between him and Logan, although he knew those details were not necessary, but he told his friend about them for his own benefit. He missed Logan already. Talking about him in any context just made him feel real, like he wasn’t something Sammy had conjured up in his imagination.
“The way I see it,” James said, and then he did the most annoying thing known to mankind and took a bite out of a fat dim-sum, lifting his index finger for Sammy to wait for him to finish chewing so he could continue his sentence. Sammy rolled his eyes, but waited patiently, stuffing his own face with food. “Logan just chickened out. You guys had this fuck-tastic weekend, and then when the time came to think about what’s next, he lost his nerve.”
“Do you think, he freaked out worried I might want more? Like for him to be ‘out’ to other people?”
“Don’t you want that?”
“Well yeah, but I would have been happy to wait for him to get there on his own.” James scrunched his face in disapproval, but Sammy waved him off. “You don’t know him. And okay, I don’t know him all too well either, but I don’t think he would have made me wait long. He’s a good guy. Unfortunately, there are things holding him back and I don’t know how to be there for him in the right way, and to support him adequately.”
“But you want to? You want to be there for him, right?”
“Yeah.” Sammy sighed and somehow the agitation he had felt from earlier started to lift.
“I hope you understand that this whole thing should be a two-way street. Logan must make an effort for you too. Like a big fucking one.” He gave him a pointed look, which got Sammy rolling his eyes. Again. He went on ignoring him. “He sounds like a decent person, but I’m just concerned that, if you do get into a relationship with him, it will be more about dealing with Logan’s problems.” Sammy shook his head in protest, but luckily for James, his mouth was still stuffed with fried rice, so he went on, “I know you Ikeda – you’ll put everything that’s important to you on the back burner to deal with his shit when he has another meltdown. People that have their act together are of no interest to you.” James waved his chopsticks in Sammy’s face.
Sammy just raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “You do realize, what you just said sounds pretty crappy, right?”
James shrugged. “I’m just looking out for you. I can see this guy has gotten under your skin. You clearly care for him, but I don’t want you to get suckered in to becoming his caretaker.”
Sammy shook his head. “That’s not going to happen, and I doubt Logan would ever want that either.” They hadn’t talked in a long time about that part of his life, when his parents had abandoned him, and James had stepped up and taken him home. “When my parents practically disowned me, you never hesitated to take me in. You were never worried my problems would inconvenience you. You just did what you believed was right. And correct me if I’m wrong, I haven’t ruined your life just yet, nor have I turned you into my humble servant.” He finished his statement by flipping him off and James chuckled.
“Fine. Since you suddenly seem to know so much more about this relationship crap than me, why don’t you sort your own drama, okay? If everything between you two is so magical, why can’t you just call him?”
Sammy groaned. “I still don’t have his fucking number!”
James just chuckled. “Too busy getting it on to take a moment and think with your slightly more useful head?”
Sammy grinned at his friend. “I didn’t give a shit about anything else but rolling in bed with him.”
James groaned and gave him a thoroughly disgusted look. “Who the fuck are you? So sappy, blah. No bending over backward doing handstands? No fucking on rooftops and in moving cars?! No outdoor public sex? You’re going to die out there in the woods holding your bored dick with both hands as your funeral bouquet.”
Sammy punched him in the arm. “Loser. You’re just jealous my man isn’t trying to murder me when we fuck. How do you even get hard when you know Danika can snap your dick clean off at any moment?”