Page 21 of Yours To Save

He pulled away slowly and placed his hands on Logan’s chest.

“How about you make us that awful green tea and we can go out for a walk with Morpheus and talk.” Logan sighed but then nodded and turned away, going into his pantry, still obviously looking for something. When he found it, he emerged victorious and shoved it in Sammy’s face. It was a small jar of instant coffee that looked like it had been therea while. Sammy laughed, and then Logan did give it a second glance and rolled his eyes.

“It’s probably no good. Last time I bought coffee was…” There it was. Sammy braced himself. Logan went a bit gray but went on anyway. “Before the accident.”

Sammy nodded, then just waited for Logan to organize his thoughts. The other man, walked over to the sink and after tossing away the old instant coffee in the bin he got water for his tea. He was quiet for a few minutes, while pouring the boiling water in two mugs and dipping the little bags of green tea inside. He turned back to Sammy and held out a cup to him. They moved to the living room, let Morpheus back in, and once they were settled on the sofa Logan told him the whole story. First about the car accident, then about his overdose the year before.

There were moments when he could see Logan was struggling to be completely honest but pushed himself regardless. When he got to their weekend together, he admitted to not wanting Sammy to go. Sammy rushed to reassure him he had felt the same way.

“I wanted to stay, but when I saw the photographs on your bedside table, my mind just went with the worst possible scenario. I’m so sorry. I should have at least asked, instead of running away.”

“It doesn’t matter. I should have been more upfront. But honestly, I was enjoying our time together so much. It almost felt like I could just focus on our conversation, food, the simple stuff. Talking about the accident, it drains me completely.” Sammy gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Logan held on to him, intertwining their fingers and bringing it up to his lips, kissing the delicate skin of the inside of his wrist. He smiled sheepishly and added, “I’m really glad you’re here. I …I don’t know what this is,” he gestured between then, “but I want it, and I’m so happy that you felt the same way and came back to me.”

A small pang of worry tugged at Sammy. He hadn’t told Logan about what had really spurred him on to get in the car and hit the road. He didn’t tell him about looking him up online, or that the police officer had made crude remarks about him. He reasoned with himself, that it didn’t matter. He wanted to be there, and now their intentions had aligned. He felt if he told Logan the rest of the details, he would hurt him unnecessarily. Shoving away the feeling of unease, he scootched closer to Logan and cupped his face in his hands, running his thumbs gently over the delicate skin under his eyes.

“I want this too. Whatever this thing between us is, I want to give it a chance to become something real. Something new and important. For both of us.” He grinned, when Logan responded to his hopeful statement with a smile, and they got into another kissing marathon.

* * *

The restof the day went by with them talking and kissing and cooking. They seemed to be touching all the time – Logan reaching to tuck an unruly strand of Sammy’s hair, or Sammy dragging his fingertips over the exposed skin of Logan’s neck while they talked.

They were having dinner and Logan had seemed just so…like he had been waiting for Sammy this whole time to be able to take a full breath of air and smile. This notion did things to Sammy. Until yesterday, he may not have imagined the possibility of his feelings for Logan growing exponentially stronger, but he was going to accept them now with arms wide fucking open because this felt true, real and raw.

He could tell they were both going to be a nervous mess tonight, but he didn’t care. If nothing happened, if Logan hit the brakes, if Sammy had to wait, that was just fine. The way Logan made him feel, the way he felt about Logan, it was all worth it.

They were clearing the table away when Logan blurted out, “I’ve only ever been with Sophy.” Sammy froze for a moment, unsure of what the right words would be for an admission like that.

He was pretty sure, that he had never been anyone’s first anything. His own first sexual experiences were disappointing and hilarious as was expected, because he had been a horny confused kid, trying to fuck and get fucked by other horny confused kids in college. This was different and Logan was certainly not an inexperienced college frat boy, trying to squeeze in a quicky before the big game.

After kissing all day, grinding on each other and Logan groping his ass, like it could grant wishes, he was pretty sure, Logan was excited for them to reach their final destination tonight.

Once he was able to get his thoughts in order, he tried not to freak Logan out. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for or comfortable with.” Then he grinned and added, “I don’t know if I’m being overly confident in us, but I think we’re going to manage just fine.” Logan chuckled, and Sammy was glad that another awkward situation had been defused.

He cupped Logan’s face and added, “However, we don’t need to do anything. There is no rush. I want you, and yes, I know you want me too, but this is a big deal for you. I’m happy to wait and go slow.”

Later, Sammy had gone for a shower, and Logan had taken his clothes downstairs to toss them in the washing machine, after realizing he hadn’t brought anything else to wear. He brushed his teeth and the thought that he would be spending his weekend pants-less made him grin. It hadn’t been intentional, but he was going to roll with it.

Logan was in the bed, waiting for him naked, with just the duvet covering his left leg and his dick and Sammy could tell, it had been a last-minute coverup and that made him grin. Logan had showered in the bathroom downstairs. His skin was damp and flushed.

Sammy chuckled. “Why didn’t you just come to me?”

“I wanted to, but I wasn’t sure if that was okay.” He groaned and hid his face in his hands, adorable splotches of red growing over his chest and his neck. Sammy got on the bed and crawled over to him, positioning himself between Logan’s thighs, the damp towel still loosely wrapped around his hips. He pried Logan’s hands off his face and brushed his nose with his, then kissed him lightly.

Logan’s body was different from the usual type of guys Sammy had gone for in the past. He was solid, well defined, and strong, but not overly polished, groomed to perfection with fake pumped muscles. He had a light dusting of dark chest hair and a happy trail.

Everything about him looked so sensual and real. Sammy couldn’t resist reaching for him and caressing his pecs and his dark reddish nipples. When Logan gasped in his mouth and his tongue darted between Sammy’s lips, he couldn’t stop his own groan of pleasure.

Logan was fucking doing it for Sammy in every possible way, and he couldn’t remember the last time he had been this smitten with anyone. Logan leaned back, but not before he hooked a finger over the corner of Sammy’s towel, dragging it away from him, then dropping it on the floor. He pushed away the duvet and Sammy grinned as he settled between his thighs and let his body drape Logan’s.

Logan’s body felt incredible beneath his own – hot and firm, his touch was confident, and it made Sammy feel truly wanted, despite Logan’s inexperience. He felt Logan’s arms tighten around him, then roam his back and his shoulders, soon after settling on his ass and grabbing it greedily, pulling him closer. They were both hard and grinding on each other, just following their own natural rhythm. Sammy couldn’t get enough of kissing Logan. Not that he didn’t want to kiss and lick every inch of Logan’s body, but his lips and the way the other man held him and ravaged his mouth had turned him into a dazed mess.

Logan pulled back from their messy kiss just a fraction. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.”

“Do you want to stop?”

“No! Fuck no!” He cupped Sammy’s face in his hands. “I just don’t want to hurt you or do something you don’t like.”

Sammy kissed him gently. “Logan...”