Page 51 of Yours To Save

“And tell them what?” He was amused as it was obvious his sister had lost her mind completely.

“Grooming a minor.”

“He just said he was nineteen. Also, I’m not grooming him. I’m pretty sure we’re saving him, from whatever sick toxic situation you had going on. What were you even hoping to achieve today? Do you honestly think Michael could simply decide not to be who he is?”

She didn’t answer for a long moment, clearly struggling to compose herself. When she finally spoke, her words didn’t bring Sammy any peace.

“His father had asked me to help him consider conversion therapy,” she scoffed. “He’s clearly far too gone for that, if he was ready to latch on to your pervy boyfriend with hardly any encouragement.”

Sammy sucked in a breath. His stomach rolled and his skin crawled with cold sweat. “You can’t force him, so he has to sign himself up for it.” He had heard the terrifying stories and had met quite a few people who had been through the horrors of those torture camps. He still had no idea how those were even legal.

“He’s sick Samuel. If Mom and Dad had sent you away like my husband advised them all those years ago, you could have had a much better, healthier life and contribute to society in a constructive and fulfilling way.”

His eyes went wide, and he chuckled in disbelief. His sister made no sense. “I don’t understand. If this is how you truly felt, why even bother paying for my college?”

“I didn’t!” she hissed. “James paid for it. I would never give you a dime to sponsor your sick twisted lifestyle.”

Sammy teared up. Fucking James. He should have known it had been quite bizarre for Sarah to reach out via a lawyer to offer him the funds. There had been one awkward short phone call and nothing after that. His fees had always been paid on time and his books and cameras budgeted in the allowance somehow. He thought this money came from the college fund his parents had for him anyway. Now he understood that money had gone directly to Sarah, and she had never intended to share it with him.

“My husband owed his father a favor.” she saidfavorbitterly, but it was obvious it was more than that. “I had to agree to pretend to give it to you.”

All this information was making him feel numb and somewhat detached from the entire situation.

“What were you hoping I was going to tell Michael? You don’t know anything about me. We haven’t spoken in years. What was it in my life, you imagined was so awful, that just talking about it would be enough to scare thegayaway?”

He was thoroughly amused when Sarah dug a notebook from her bag and opened a page with several entries. Sarah and her lists. As if she was getting ready to give a presentation, she collected herself, clasping her hands at the table in front of her, and spoke with so much poison in her voice, Sammy felt, she should be the one to be forcefully signed up to some sort of therapy. “Besides the fact, that you’ve recently shacked up with someone with poor mental health just like yourself, and God knows what crimes you’re hiding away from in this dumpster fire of a town, the list goes as follows.

“Third of June 2017, assault. You had to spend two weeks in the hospital. Tenth of October 2018, assault and robbery, no hospital stay. First of February 2019, intimidation and hate speech, harassment, and bullying––”

Sammy raised his hand to stop her. He was shocked, but moreso, he was furious. “What the fuck is this? How do you know all of this?”

“The police called me every time.”

Sammy just glared at her in disbelief. “And all you did was write it down in your neat little notebook?! You knew I was in the hospital and couldn’t even be bothered to come see me?! James and his parents flew back home from Italy renting a private jet to be by my side!”

“Probably to make sure that their boy toy was still worth the investment!”

“Sarah, I implore you, please listen to yourself! Is this really what you think that was? That family saved me! You wouldn’t even return my calls! I fucking needed you!”

He was raising his voice and people were looking, but he didn’t care anymore. She just shrugged her shoulders. “They like them young those perverts, you and James both––”

He jumped out of his seat, knocking his chair back. “Don’t you fucking dare say another word!” He was shaking with a magnitude of anger he had never experienced before in his life.

Suddenly, Logan was by his side sans Michael. Sammy searched his eyes worried, but Logan just gave him a curt nod to indicate,Michael’s safe.

He took his hand lacing their fingers together and tugged him gently. “Let’s go. We’re done here.”

“Where’s Michael?” Sarah hissed after them.

Logan paused. He looked at Sarah over his shoulder. He raised an eyebrow, then smirked. “I think you should forget about Michael and start worrying about yourself. If you thought Michael being gay was an inconvenience to you, you should get ready for all the stink we will help him kick up should you ever try to hurt him again.”

Sarah hissed at him. “Don’t you dare speak to me, you worthless waste of space!”

Logan shrugged his shoulder and kept his cool. He gently tugged at Sammy’s hand, and they made their way out. He didn’t look back again and neither did Sammy.

They walked as calmly as they could through the main drag, where they had parked. They got into the truck and after a long moment of silence, Logan asked him, “Are you alright?”

Sammy cupped his face in his hands and just sobbed out, “No.”