Page 48 of Yours To Save

Those events meant more work opportunities for both of them. He had already compiled a rough list of the establishments he was planning on visiting. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to introduce himself and get more familiar with local businesses that could potentially use his services. Hopefully, over time, he could build up his local workload to the point where he only traveled for jobs he was personally invested in, rather than just chasing a paycheck. A large portion of his debt was already covered, and even though Logan had offered to help him clear the rest, he was confident he could do this independently. He wanted to make them both proud.

It took him forever to build his desk and then set up his computer. Logan’s internet connection was absolutely atrocious. He added checking out a new provider to the list of tasks he was going to tackle when he went into town next. Buying thermal underwear was definitely a top priority.

He went looking for paper in Logan’s office and sat on his chair to dig through his drawers. He loved how suddenly there were sketching pads everywhere, as Logan was reconnecting with an old passion of his – designing custom motorcycles. He had already began working on something in the shed and Sammy had been observing his progress with pride. His eyes drifted to the walls, and he smiled. Logan had hung back up all his family photos with Sophy and Jordan. And in between, he was adding photos of him and Sammy and that just made him so happy.

His thoughts naturally drifted to his lover, wondering what he might be up to. Perhaps they could have lunch together. He was just about to call him when a series of messages started popping up on his phone.

Unknown: Hello Samuel, this is your sister Sarah.

Unknown: I really need to see you.

Unknown: Would you be open to meeting with me?

He read the message over and over again, wondering if this was some sick joke. His last interaction with Sarah had been nearly a decade ago, most of it via lawyers and registered mail of official paperwork. Where to even fucking begin? Before he could come up with anything coherent to say, another message popped up.

Unknown: I know you recently moved to Saratoga Springs. I can meet you there.

The fuck? How could she know? Only James had known. Fuck! He rolled his eyes and called his friend.

“You got something to say to me?”

“Like what?” James deadpanned.


“Oh wait! That’s right. I ran into your sister at this charity thing yesterday and she asked me for your number.”

“Did she say why?”

“Something about her stepson. I think… Shit. You know how Sarah talks, like she has a stick up her ass. It was hard to fucking figure out what she’s saying. So from what I could gather, it was something about the boy being gay and needing to talk to you. Sarah talks in such a roundabout way it took me a while to figure it out. You know I don’t give a shit about your stupid sister, but I thought you might want to involve yourself in this particular situation.”

“Her stepson?” Sammy closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to remember his name. He had only met the little blond boy once, at the wedding. Well, he probably wasn’t a child anymore. “I think his name is Michael. Fuck, it was so long ago. He would be just about to finish high school, or maybe he’s in college already.”

“Sounds familiar.” There was no mistaking the smugness in James’s voice.

He took a deep breath. “You did good, James.”

James decided not to rub it in. His voice was softer when he asked Sammy, “How’s life in the woods?”

“Logan’s internet sucks.”

James laughed his ass off. Sammy rolled his eyes. “Fuck you, it’s beautiful here.”

“How the fuck would I know? You haven’t invited me yet!” He was still laughing, and Sammy was having a hard time holding back his grin.

“Will you bring Danika with you?”

“Hell yeah. Also, you should know at this stage of our relationship we’re a package deal. She’s the reason why I ran into your sister to begin with. It was her charity event.”

“Danika does charity? What for? Moderately poor middle-class women, who desperately need access to Dior cosmetics?”

“Not exactly. This year the event was about supporting LGBTQIA youth centers in the city and New York state. She’s hoping to go national soon.” There was no mistaking the notes of pride in his voice.

Needless to say, Sammy was utterly confused and embarrassed. He had always had the vague understanding Danika was involved in various charities, but he had been too busy hating her guts to ever inquire into what her work actually entailed. “Why has she never ever said anything to me?”

“I don’t fucking know, dude. I’m not going to sit around, asking my woman dumb shit when I could be spending my time fucking her every which way ‘til Sunday.”

“You’re gross.”