Beautiful, glorious color had flooded her cheeks, and her eyes burned with hunger more intense than anything I’d seen before. I slid my hands under her hips and in one motion picked her up and flipped her over on her belly.
The air grew thick with magick and heat, and I didn’t care who it was from. Nerissa didn’t protest as I took control. I rubbed myself against her bare ass. She automatically lifted her hips and arched her back, the same position Nasi’s mate took.
That was all the encouragement I needed.
I thrust into her from behind, and I cried out at the pure warmth and glory of it. Being able to move and control the act myself made it that much more intense, and I worried for a moment if I was hurting Nerissa.
Another glance at the pair next to us assured me I was fine. Nasi wasn’t as large of a draken as me, but his mate was much smaller than Nerissa. If Kaida’s cries were anything to go by, Nerissa would be fine.
I pounded into Nerissa, who moaned and cried out my name.
I felt like I was splitting her in two, but she never once told me to stop or cried out in pain. Magick wrapped around me, heavy like a blanket. The air smelt of desire and eternity.
I didn’t last long, exploding into her moments later. She groaned again, her elbows digging into the furs on the floor. I refused to give her any time to relax. I flipped her over on her back and dove between her legs.
She shrieked in what I hoped was pleasure as I licked her slit from back to front, tasting myself as it leaked from between her legs. I growled in protectiveness, vowing no other seed would ever enter her. She was mine.
I licked her again, hooking my arms under her legs and pinning her in place. She squealed and jerked, but I held her fast to me, my fangs scraping the most delicate hidden parts of her. There was a certain spot up high that made her wriggle harder against me, and I put my nose there, moving up and down. I delved my tongue inside of her like it was my cock and stroked back and forth. Nerissa sank her nails into the scales on my arms, but I barely felt it. She cried out and her inner muscles clenched around me. I pulled my face back, shooting her a smug, victorious smirk. She made a rude hand gesture that I had seen other pirates make.
I laughed.
She rolled over and covered herself with furs, blushing madly when she realized Kaida and Nasi were still in the room. They ignored her embarrassment, however, Kaida licking a trail up Nasi’s neck as he held her in her arms.
The curse must have been broken, because when I stood, my head was clear and the air felt fresh in my lungs. There was no nausea and no urge to return to the master.
I was free.
It was a perfect moment with both pairs caught up in our own happiness. I hadn’t known much happiness before; it all seemed overwhelming. I told myself that was why I didn’t flinch so hard when the door to the cottage burst open, but it wasn’t Alkdama standing at the door.
“Come quietly with us, all of you. I won’t hesitate to butcher you one at a time as motivation for the others.”
I gaped as the master stood before us, bloodied and bruised but very much a threat, his sword pointed toward Kaida’s throat.
“Father?” I squeaked out, pushing the furs up to ensure I was covered. I had no idea what shape my clothes were in after Canavar had gotten his claws on them.
The gold draken next to me growled and shoved his mate behind him, the pale female not fighting him. Canavar stood over me, and stared down the man who had enslaved him his whole life. And for the first time, he didn’t cower or tremble with sickness.
He was free.
Mother above, I loved that man. Draken. Whatever.
“You little slut. You’ve ruined everything.” Father advanced on me, rage in his eyes. I’d never seen him so angry before.
“I had nothing to do with the soldiers,” I protested, wishing for clothes more than anything else in the world. I wasn’t about to fight with my tits hanging out.
“The ones they didn’t butcher are hanging,” he spat. “Macguire ran off somewhere, probably with all my gold. The small dingy boat we used to get here sank just off the coast. But I don’t plan on staggering into Tatra empty-handed.”
I swallowed heavily. He hadn’t seen Maguire’s body, then.
I eyed the four other men with him. Men who’d been with him since the beginning. Gerrick wasn’t among them. “Sounds like a ‘you’ problem.”
Father tried to take a step toward me, but ran right into Canavar’s chest. My mate was over a foot taller than my father and used the height to his advantage now. He splayed his wings, fangs glistening in the dim light.