Page 68 of The Lost Child

I made it to the shadow of a large outcropping of rocks just as the first rays of sun beat down from the east, where my homeland supposedly was.


My head felt heavy and not in the ‘I need to sleep way.’ I knew this feeling of lethargy and drowsiness. It only came when I was severely injured or had gone too long without food or water. Or maybe it was the blood curse returning. It was difficult to say.

Even if I wanted to turn back now, I didn’t have the strength.

Just a small sleep to recover my strength, then I would push on. Maybe I could fly to the other side of the mountain and find resources there.

Sleep first.

* * *

A female’s voice was speaking quietly and carefully. Nerissa! I tried to wake up, but my body wouldn’t listen. Consciousness came very, very slowly.

I clenched and unclenched my fingers, and my left leg twitched. The more I heard of the voice, the more I realized it wasn’t Nerissa. This voice was more cultured, and higher and softer.

It was female, though. And mated.

I didn’t know any other females except for the blood witches. And they were far, far away.

“Relax. Can you drink this for me?”

Wait, Ididknow this voice. It jogged a deep, long ago forgotten part of my mind; one that cried out for touch and comfort.Mother. My mother!

“Mama …” I murmured, not caring how desperate I sounded. I just wanted her. I wanted someone who cared about me and who could make the pounding in my head stop.

Something warm was held to my lips, dripping liquid. Parched, I greedily sucked it down. It wasn’t water, but perhaps it was wine? I’d never tasted it myself, but it had to be wine. What else could it be? It was thick and heavy, but oh so good. The pain in my head decreased, and my tight muscles relaxed, sending a wave of lethargy through me.

“He’s too large. You’re going to overtax yourself.”

A male voice, hissing and angry.A mated male!

I tried to rouse myself enough to care. What if he was threatening the female? I wasn’t strong enough to fight him off. I couldn’t protect her. Just like I couldn’t protect Nerissa.

The warmth left my lips and I protested, my hand coming up and snagging a wrist. I brought it back to my lips and bit down with my fangs instinctively. I heard a sharp intake of breath, then someone swore.

“Just feed me while he feeds. That’s the only way.”

Their words meant nothing. I didn’t care what happened around me as long as the sweet, sweet, drink kept flowing.…

I wasn’t aware of detaching and lying down, but I must have, because the next thing I was aware of was the female leaning over me, smoothing down my hair with cool fingertips.

“You’ll be right as rain when you awaken,” she said, her voice smooth as the bathing pools back in the mountain cave. It didn’t sound anything like how Nerissa or the pirates talked. Or the witches, for that matter. She talked like a queen might or the mysterious Mother that the witches prayed to.

Maybe I was already dead, and the goddess herself had taken pity on me. That didn’t sound so bad.

I drifted into sleep once again.

* * *

This time when I awoke, I was instantly and completely in control of my limbs. I shot up from the ground, ignoring my protesting muscles and the lingering stiffness in my body. There was a muffled yelp of surprise and I opened my eyes to see the female from my imagination standing before me, all pale skin and indigo eyes.

A female of my kind. Adraken.

My mouth went dry, and for a moment I couldn’t speak. Surely I was still dreaming.

Her hair was white as well as her scales, but here and there flecks of black and gold dotted her body. Dark claws protruded from her hands and feet, and beautiful golden wings twitched at me, sparkling in the sunlight.