Page 48 of The Lost Child

I hadn’t come in time to see what Nerissa had done, but by the master’s tone, Nerissa’s white face, and the anger of the men around us, it hadn’t been good. The ships of both fleets had all been destroyed when I’d arrived. Was the master saying … was he saying Nerissa had done all of that?

Master and the others seemed afraid of these blood witches, and rightly so if their powers were as great as the destruction I’d seen. But why the anger? Nerissa had defeated her enemies in battle! Master asked the same of me all the time! What did it matter the method as long as she had triumphed?

A growl burst from my chest. That drew the master’s attention to me.

“You will go back down to your cave. Immediately.”

My chin snapped down to my chest automatically, years of obedience driving my body to immediate response. Fear also sprung to life in my heart. I’d swore I’d never go back to my cave, but it was a different story now that the master was right in front of me. I longed to obey instantly, to keep him happy so he wouldn’t hurt Nerissa.

I turned to leave, pointed in the direction of the underground caves. I stopped after the first step though, refusing to obey until I knew what would happen to Nerissa.

One of her hands was balled into a fist at her side, the other on the hilt of her short sword. “So you’re going to hang me then?” she bit out, voice thick with emotion.

The master spit on the ground. “Worse. I’m marrying you to Macguire to pay for damages.”

Nerissa’s jaw dropped open.



I’m marrying you to Macguire as damages.

“Wha—” I shut my mouth, my brain seizing as it was unable to process what my father had just said.

“Macguire was in a right state after hearing his only son and heir was dead, and his fleet destroyed. I’d rather not have him panting after my blood.”

Father glared at me, as if it was all my fault. Surely, he wasn’t this foolish. It was as obvious as the crooked nose on his face that Macguire was already double-crossing him and the royal navy was on its way. It was pure luck I’d been on the mainland and spotted them. Why was he being so stubborn?

“Macguire will have you and is bringing a few other companies with him. We’ll hide and surprise the royal navy, who is only expecting my company. We’ll destroy them and take their ships for our own, and Macguire will take the majority to replace his lost fleet.”

I shook my head. My father never played fair. Something else was going on here. I just didn’t understand what.

“Before I turned Macguire’s son into red mist, he said something odd,” I remarked calmly, willing my thudding heart to calm down. “He mentioned you wanted me ‘declawed.’ Docile, even.”

I glared at my father, but his stony expression gave nothing away.

“Do you know where I’ve been these past two weeks?” he said softly; dangerously.

“Doing tricks for royalty while I languished in a prison cell,” I shot back. How had I ever been afraid of this man?

His grin was deadly. “You should see the ladies at court, dressed all in silks, good manners and soft voices. They’re nothing like you.”

His words hurt, but not as much as they could have. Everything he said was simply truth.

“You want to inherit all of this one day? Kaggen used the fake raid to see you in action. He liked what he saw, but agreed with me and Macguire you needed some softening.Here is my final offer.”

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe.

“Marry Macguire in place of his dead heir, and you’ll inherit this all as your dowry gift to your new husband.”


“But you … you said—”

“Life at court is different in Tarta,” he cut over me, eyes glittering. “The women are meek and eager to please. The food never ends. The king wants me on retainer in a more permanent fashion to manage his own drakens. I might even be able to help him start breeding them. Instead of one killer draken, I could have a whole army!”

My throat went dry. My father didn’t care about his company. He didn’t care about his men. All he cared about was his stomach, his cock, and power.